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  • Pep Rally

    Join us for the annual pre-game Pep Rally that will be held in the MAC. Come out to support all of the Monmouth University athletic teams and get fired up for the football game against Columbia University on Saturday, October 11 at 1 p.m. at Kessler Field.

    Find out who our Homecoming Court will be, including the top 3 nominees this
    year for Homecoming King and Queen. We’ll also be handing out Homecoming
    t-shirts (with student ID) and other giveaways. Fly Hawks!

  • The 15th Annual Big Event

    The Big Event is the single largest community service project that takes place at Monmouth University every year. Every fall, approximately 400 members of the Monmouth University community sign up to be a volunteer at one of the 25 to 30 Big Event work sites in the towns that surround campus.  Learn more about The Big Event, here.

    Would you like to become a BIG EVENT volunteer?


  • College Sports: Upon Further Review

    You are cordially invited to attend an expert panel discussion, “College Sports: Upon Further Review,” on Wednesday, November 5, in Pollak Theatre, that will address the complex issues surrounding commercialism in college athletics.

    The expert panel will include: Monmouth University President Dr. Paul R. Brown; Dan Beebe, founder and principal of the Dan Beebe Group and the former Commissioner of the Big 12 and Ohio Valley Conferences; and Amy Perko, executive director of the Knight Commission, which was formed in 1989 in response to more than a decade of highly visible scandals in college sports.

    This event is free for all to attend. No RSVP is required.

  • First Annual Jersey Shore “Hawk” Mock Trial Invitational

    The Monmouth University Pre-Law Club and Mock Trial team are happy to announce the inaugural Jersey Shore “Hawk” mock trial invitational tournament to be held at Monmouth University on Saturday and Sunday, December 6 and 7.

    The tournament will be a 2-2 format with two rounds on Saturday and two rounds on Sunday with an awards ceremony following the fourth round on Sunday.

    For more information, contact Gregory Bordelon, J.D., at

  • End Continuing Registration Summer Session A

  • Grades Due Summer Session A

  • A Poetry Reading: “Poetry Au Jews: A Spiel and a Recitation”

    The Jewish Cultural Studies Program at Monmouth University

    Spring 2015 program

    …Free of charge and open to all…

    A Poetry Reading

    “Poetry Au Jews: A Spiel and a Recitation”

    Thursday, March 12, 2015
    Wilson Hall Auditorium, Monmouth University

    Philip TermanPhilip Terman is the author of eight collections of poetry, including The Torah Garden, Rabbis of the Air, Book of the Unbroken Days, and The House of Sages. Autumn House Press will publish Our Portion: New and Selected Poems in 2015. His work has appeared in many journals and anthologies, including Poetry Magazine, The Kenyon Review, The Georgia Review, The Sun Magazine, The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poets, 99 Poems for the 99 Percent, and Blood to Remember: American Poets on the Holocaust. He has received the Anna Rosenberg Award for Poems on the Jewish Experience. He teaches creative writing at Clarion University, where he directs the Spoken Arts Reading Series, and is co-director of The Chautauqua Writers Festival at the Chautauqua Institution.

    Organized by the Jewish Cultural Studies Program and the Office for Global Initiatives
    Co-sponsored by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • The Affordable Care Act: Is it Working in New Jersey?

    The Affordable Care Act: Is it Working in New Jersey?

    A Frank Assessment of the First Year of “Obamacare”

    The Affordable Care Act in New Jersey

    The ACA may be the most significant policy legacy of the Obama presidency. What can we tell about its impact after the first year of implementation in the Garden State and nationally? Did the reforms go too far or not far enough? What has been the impact on the front lines of health care services? What will be the impact of pending court cases, especially in states like New Jersey which do not have their own exchanges?

    Join us for a frank discussion of the Affordable Care Act in New Jersey with respected policymakers and front-line health care providers. The forum will include an opportunity for audience Q&A.


    Hon. James J. Florio — former Governor of New Jersey

    Mr. Wardell Sanders — President, New Jersey Association of Health Plans

    Mr. John Lloyd — President & CEO Meridian Health

    Dr. Frank Vozos — President & CEO Monmouth Medical Center


    Dr. Kathryn Fleming, Specialist Professor of Nursing Administration

    Dr. Stephen Chapman, Assistant Professor of Political Science

    This free event is open to the public.

    Video will be live streamed Wednesday, March 25, 2015 from 4:30 to 6:15 p.m. on the Polling Institute web site.

    For more information: 732-263-5860 or

    Sponsored by the Monmouth University Polling Institute, Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing & Health Studies, and the Political Science Club

    MAC (Multipurpose Activity Center) Varsity Club

    Use entrance at 142 Larchwood Avenue (lots 13/14)

  • TEDxNavesink presents ACCELERATORS

  • Global Understanding Convention Opening Ceremony

    Opening Ceremony of the 14th Annual Global Understanding Convention and UNAI Lecture: Practicing Nonviolence in a Violent World by Hon. Vijay Nambiar, General Secretary’s Special Advisor on Myanmar for the United Nations. This lecture is Monday, April 13, 2015 from 10 – 11:15 a.m. in Wilson Hall Auditorium.

    Visit the Global Understanding Convention Web Site