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  • Billy Joel’s The Stranger

    It’s just like book club but with albums! With new advances in technology, the way we consume music through our devices, apps and on demand streaming services like Pandora, Spotify and iTunes is making the idea of the “album” as an art form extinct. Get together with other music enthusiasts on Tuesday nights to discuss some of the greatest records of all-time! Listen to the album beforehand and then come prepared to discuss. This event will feature Billy Joel’s The Stranger.

    This event is offered BOTH in person and via Zoom. Join us in person at the Great Hall Auditorium on the Campus of Monmouth University or join us via zoom. When you register you will be provided the ZOOM meeting link to join the conversation.

    Free and open to the public, but registration is required.

  • The Mississippi Delta Meets the Jersey Shore (Featuring Anthony “Big A” Sherrod & The Allstars)

    The Mississippi Delta Meets the Jersey Shore

    Friday, June 2, 2023, at 8 p.m.
    Lauren K. Woods Theatre

    Celebrate the delta and the history of the blues with a night of live music and stories. This event will feature Mississippi’s own Anthony “Big A” Sherrod & The Allstars, with an opening set from Ken “Stringbean” Sorensen.

    Anthony “Big A” Sherrod

    “Big A,” has been described as “an old soul deeply steeped In the Delta blues.” Roger Stolle, owner of Clarksdale’s Cat Head Delta Blues Store, describes Sherrod as “the torchbearer for the Clarksdale sound. “There’s no one else of Anthony’s generation who has learned first-hand from and/or played with the last of the older generation who are gone now […] Anthony was there and absorbed the distinct sounds, vocals, playing and showmanship from each musician he encountered. He knows where the music came from.” –Living Blues Magazine

    Presented by the Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Foundation and the Bruce Springsteen Archives & Center for American Music at Monmouth University. Co-sponsored by Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area and Visit Clarksdale.

  • Buying and Selling Real Estate in 2023

    Headshots of the event's panelists, Joseph York and Karyn Cusanelli

    What You Always Wanted to Know About the Home Buying and Selling Process but Were Too Afraid to Ask

    May 9, 2023
    6:30 p.m.
    Live via Zoom (Link will be emailed ahead of time)

    Panelists: Karyn Cusanelli ’89 and Joseph York ’09

    Learn from two experienced, successful alumni in the real estate business. Join them for a virtual panel discussion and conversation to hear about the status and future of the market and learn tips and tricks on buying and selling. Plus, they will debunk some common misconceptions about the current real estate market!

    Note: Registration has closed for this event.

  • Yankee Stadium: Houston Astros vs. New York Yankees

    Join Monmouth University and the New York Yankees for a fun-filled day at Yankee Stadium as the Yankees take on the Houston Astros Included in your ticket price is a $5 donation to Monmouth University. In compliance with IRS regulations, your fees are tax-deductible to the extent that payment exceeds the fair market value of goods and services received by attendee. The tax-deductible portion will benefit the Monmouth University Access Fund.

    The first 1,000 fans who purchase through this offer will receive an exclusive New York Yankees Hat co-branded with the Monmouth University logo.

  • Ecological Restoration Project for the Climate Crisis

    Many people feel helpless in the face of the climate crisis, but there are many solutions. One solution that is well within the power of most people is strengthening the suburban environment. Environments highly impacted by human intervention especially those with a high proportion of non-native plants are ecologically less stable and less resilient to the assaults of climate change. Environmental remediation by removal of invasive plants and replanting or planting native plants in areas disturbed by humans is partial ecological restoration. As part of the Climate Crisis Teach-In, Catherine Duckett, Ph.D., will lead interested students and other members of the community in an ecological restoration project on Elinor Ave at Ross Lake Park and at adjacent Van Court Park. Volunteers will be shown how to identify the most common invasive vines and weeds. Volunteers will cut and remove these “invasives”s. Areas suitable for replanting will be planted with hardy native species such as goldenrod, violets and snakeroot.

  • What Remains: Ghost Forests, What We Have Lost and Gained.

    Pedram Daneshgar, Ph.D.

    Climate change induced sea level rise and storm related flooding events have had a dramatic effect on the coastal ecosystems of New Jersey. Salt water intrusion into coastal forests that are normally buffered by salt marsh ecosystems forests results in extensive tree die offs leaving behind what has been termed a “ghost forest,” a novel marsh hybrid ecosystem filled with dead trees. Often these ghost forests are invaded by non-native species like phragmites, which completely alter the function of the ecosystem. Pedram Daneshgar, Ph.D., will share the work his lab has done exploring the Ecology of ghost forests specifically looking at how the forest communities are changed. Then he will discuss preliminary work on restoration strategies for these forests.

  • Climate Crisis Teach-In 2023: Are the Answers to Climate Change ‘Blowin’ In The Wind’?

    A Marine Science and Policy Perspective on Offshore Wind Energy in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Jason Adolf, Ph.D., Keith Dunton, Ph.D., and Professor John Tiedemann.

    The development of offshore wind energy as an alternative to fossil fuel-based energy is happening rapidly on the continental shelf off the coasts of New Jersey and New York. However, there is a combination of excitement and reservation among academic, environmental and stakeholder groups surrounding this issue – while the need for non-fossil fuel energy is clear, the potential impacts off offshore wind development on the marine environment and economy are unclear. This session will highlight the regulatory, permitting, and monitoring process involved in offshore wind development and highlight the involvement of Monmouth University faculty and students in fisheries monitoring plans aimed at detecting potential impacts of offshore wind development. Non-invasive techniques such as environmental DNA (eDNA) analyses and acoustic telemetry will be discussed with regard their role in the broader picture of understanding the continental shelf marine ecosystem and potential impacts of offshore wind.

  • Alumni Speaker Series with Oscar Sanchez ’13

    Alumni Speaker Oscar Sanchez
    As an early career recruiter for one of the world’s largest media and entertainment companies, NBCUniversal, Oscar reviews over 15,000 resumes annually. In this session, he will review resume formatting tips, what to include, and what not to include to ensure that you stand out in your internship and job application process.

    Oscar Sanchez, Jr. ’13 (He/Him) has been an early career recruiter at NBCUniversal since August 2021. In his role, Oscar manages the internship hiring for the Ad Sales, Content Distribution, TV & Streaming, and Corporate Functions businesses, as well as an Ad Sales post-graduate rotational program. Prior to his role at NBCUniversal, Oscar worked as an HR and DE&I manager at South Florida’s largest advertising agency, Zimmerman Advertising. He also spent almost four years working for The Walt Disney Company in various roles including the Disney College Program, professional and management internships, and recruiting operations. Oscar has a Master’s degree from the University of Central Florida in Educational Leadership and a Bachelor’s degree from Monmouth University in Communication.

  • Fulbright U.S. Program Information Session for Students and Recent Graduates

    Are you a Monmouth University student or recent graduate curious about opportunities to conduct research or teach English abroad post- graduation? Are you interested in exploring other cultures and in advancing knowledge and understanding across communities and nations?

    Join us to learn about the mission of the Fulbright Program, fellowships you may pursue, and the application process. Each year, 2,000+ fellowships in over 140 countries are awarded by the Fulbright Program and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. Undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines are invited to attend.

    Eligibility for the next application cycle: You must be a citizen or national of the U.S. and have a conferred bachelor’s degree by the beginning of the fellowship (August 2024 or Jan 2025).

    Contact for More Information

    Mihaela Moscaliuc,

  • Bilingual Poetry Reading and Q&A with Salgado Maranhão and Alexis Levitin

    Join us for a bilingual reading (Portuguese and English) and Q&A with Brazilian poet Salgado Maranhão and translator Alexis Levitin.

    Salgado Maranhão

    Salgado Maranhão

    Born in the impoverished interior of Maranhão, in northeast Brazil, Salgado Maranhão became one of the most prominent Afro-Brazilian poets. Twice winner of Prêmio Jabuti, he has been awarded major prizes from the Academy of Brazilian Letters and the Writers’ Union. Five collections of his work have appeared in English: Blood of the Sun (2012), Tiger Fur (2015), Palavora (2019), Mapping the Tribe (2020), and Consecration of the Wolves (2021), all in Alexis Levitin’s translation. In addition to seventeen books of poetry, he has written song lyrics and made recordings with some of Brazil’s leading jazz and pop musicians.

    Maranhão’s poetry explores, via metaphor, the various kinds of devastation we bring upon our lands and thus upon ourselves.

    Alexis Levitin

    Alexis Levitin

    Alexis Levitin translates works from Portugal, Brazil, and Ecuador. His forty-eight books of translation include Clarice Lispector’s Soulstorm, Eugenio de Andrade’s Forbidden Words, Astrid Cabral’s Cage and Gazing Through Water, and five collections by Salgado Maranhão, including the most recent, Consecration of the Wolves. He has served as a Fulbright Lecturer at the Universities of Oporto and Coimbra (Portugal), The Catholic University in Guayaquil (Ecuador), and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) and has held translation residencies at the Banff Center (Canada), The European Translators Collegium (Germany), and the Rockefeller Foundation Study Center in Bellagio (Italy).

    This presentation is co-sponsored by the Department of English, Monmouth Intercultural Center, Institute for Global Understanding, and Department of World Languages and Cultures