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  • School of Social Work 40th Anniversary Celebration

    Monmouth University’s School of Social Work celebrates it’s 40th Anniversary with a celebration in historic Wilson Hall on Friday, September 18, from 6 to 9 p.m.

    With a cash bar and hors d’oeuvres available, this event will feature a Grand Door Prize, presentation of the school’s Jane Addams Social Work Visionary Award, a basket auction, “Photos with Shadow,” 40 Voices Project, Walking History Docents and much more! All proceeds will benefit the School of Social Work.

    Tickets are $40 per person (tax deductible of $10), and 2015 grads and current Social Work students can attend free! For more information and tickets, please call 732-571-3543.

  • Manufacturing Today is More Than an Assembly Line: How American Made Products Can Drive the Next Generation

    As part of the nationwide Manufacturing Day celebration, the Leon Hess Business School, in partnership with the American Oil & Supply International LLC, will be hosting an event that aims to educate students about the true value of manufacturing jobs and its importance to the U.S. economy.

    This event is scheduled for Wednesday, October 7, 2015 starting at 2:45 p.m. until 4 p.m. in Pozycki Hall Auditorium. All business students including entrepreneurship and those with marketing and/or management concentrations are encouraged to participate in an interactive discussion and video presentation emphasizing “Made in America” products and career opportunities in today’s manufacturing environment.


    • Chuck Decker, President, American Oil since 1895 ®

    Panelists and Presenters:

    • Stanley Ziemski, Chairman, American Oil since 1895 / AOS Thermal Compounds
    • Jeff Leiter, Managing Partner, Leiter & Cramer, Washington DC
    • Holly Alfano, Executive Director, ILMA, Washington DC
    • John Ziemski, President, AOS Thermal Compounds

    For additional information, please contact Janeth Merkle at

  • SEEMA Kick-Off Celebration

    The Leon Hess Business School will be launching an in-house mentoring program called SEEMA (Student Enrichment and Engagement through Mentoring Activities)with an informal meeting for mentors and mentees on Friday, September 25, from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the Magill Commons Club Dining Room.

    Formal mentoring activities will start in October.

    SEEMA, an exclusive mentoring program within the Leon Hess Business School, was developed for our students to apply career development skills beyond the classroom. Through SEEMA, students will have the opportunity to engage in resume development, interviewing processes and other activities designed to enhance their preparedness in the professional job market. Enhanced networking opportunities will also result from participation in the program.

    For more information contact Janeth Merkle at 732-571-3423 or

  • Susan B. Anthony Comes to Monmouth

    Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787, recognizing all who, are born in the U.S. or by naturalization, have become citizens.

    Each year on Constitution Day, the Department of Political Science together with the Office of the Provost plan a keynote speaker to bring attention to this nationally recognized day.

    Susan B. Anthony was one of the driving forces of the women’s suffrage movement, and an unwavering advocate of equal rights for all people. She was arrested in 1872 for voting in Rochester, New York, and convicted after a highly publicized trial. She and Elizabeth Cady Stanton pressured Congress to propose a Constitutional Amendment giving women the right to vote in 1878. The “Anthony Amendment” ultimately became ratified into the U.S. Constitution as the Nineteenth Amendment 42 years later in 1920.

    Susan B. Anthony will be visiting MU to help celebrate Constitution Day. Ms. Anthony turned 195 years old last February and will visit MU through the performance of Marjorie Goldman, an historic actor from the American Historical Theatre in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She will perform for approximately 50 minutes and then take questions from the audience, remaining always in character. She is also happy to make a five minute surprise appearance into your class prior to or after her Wilson Auditorium performance.

    She will be speaking in Wilson Auditorium on Thursday, September 17, from 11:40 a.m. – 1 p.m.

    For more information, contact Joe Patten at 732-530-4300 or

  • Monmouth University Award for Communication Excellence (MACE) Award

    Presentation of this year’s Monmouth Award for Communication Excellence (MACE) will be to film producers/directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord. The event includes a discussion about their award-winning filmmaking techniques moderated by Monmouth University Professor Rob Scott.

    A cocktail reception preceding the presentation will be held at 6 p.m. in the Gallery of Pollak Theatre.

    The award presentation and program will be held in Pollak Theatre.

    The program is free but registration will be required. For more information please contact Nicole Frame, Assistant Director of Conference Services and Special Events, at 732.571.3473 or

    About the Honorees:

    Phil Lord and Chris Miller are the prolific writing and directing duo behind some of today’s most successful films, including, The Lego Movie, 21 & 22 Jump Street and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. In 2014, the duo saw incredible success at the box office and were the only writers/directors with two films ranked among the top highest grossing features of the year. Up next for film, the duo will be directing the highly anticipated untitled Star Wars Anthology. Focusing on a young Han Solo, the feature is slated for a May 25, 2018 release date and will be written by Lawrence and Jon Kasdan.

    For more information on this event, please visit the MACE Award web site.

  • Health & Physical Education Academic Social

    This is a social event for all Health Studies and Health & Physical Education majors, with faculty and advisors on hand to answer questions and network

    For more information, contact the Department of Health and Physical Education at 732-571-3443.

  • School of Education Academic Welcome

    All students who are interested in Education are welcome to stop by McAllan Hall for dessert and meet the faculty. Music will be provided by Monmouth University’s own WCMX radio!

  • Festival of World Languages and Cultures

    The Festival of World Languages and Cultures showcases the talents of students and faculty from the Department of World Languages and Cultures. Performances include poetry readings, singing, dancing, instrumental and acting productions all in the target language the students are studying. In addition, students create posters and cook authentic dishes from the target language country to serve to participants of the festival after the performances.

    For more information, please contact Dr. Mirta Barrea-Marlys, Chair, Department of World Languages and Cultures, at 732-263-5390 or

  • Leon Hess School of Business Academic Welcome 2015

    All transfer and new students are invited to attend a brief presentation in Pozycki Hall Auditorium. Current Business students are encouraged to join the Leon Hess Business School Faculty and Administration for a barbecue following the Welcome Presentation.

    For more information, please contact Trish LaMarca at 732-571-3423 or

  • Future of the Ocean Symposium & Champions of the Ocean Awards

    The Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute presents the 11th Annual Future of the Ocean Symposium and Champions of the Ocean Awards Luncheon on Thursday, October 29, 2015 at Wilson Hall. The theme of this year’s symposium is “A Revolution at Sea: Ocean Exploration, Technology & Discovery.”

    The symposium will feature presentations by distinguished speakers: Dr. Sylvia Earle, National Geographic Society Explorer-in-Residence; and Terry Garcia, National Geographic Society Chief Science and Exploration Officer. Both will be honored as National Ocean Champions at the luncheon following the symposium.

    The event will also recognize Regional Ocean Champions representing organizations that were instrumental in the preservation of 38,000 square miles of coral reefs from Long Island to Virginia.

    The symposium is free and open to the public. Awards luncheon immediately following is $150 for members of the public.

    For more information, please visit the Urban Coast Institute web site.