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  • Writing Memoir

    Class Schedule: Thursdays – Oct. 27, Nov. 3 & Nov. 10 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM

    This three-session virtual course provides attendees with an introduction to basic modes for telling the stories of their lives. Working in a supportive workshop setting, students will enjoy engaging, wide-ranging discussion about the joys and challenges of bringing their memories to life. Instructor: Mike Farragher, Monmouth University alumnus and author of numerous works of fiction and memoir.

    Whether you have dreams of being a bestselling author or you’re committed to creating your life story as an heirloom for future generations of your family, memoir writing can be a rewarding endeavor to help make sense of your life journey.If you’ve ever said aloud, “I should write a book someday,” but didn’t know where to begin, this course will get you on the road to fulfilling that creative dream.

    This course will explore how to get started, tools to overcome lack of confidence and overwhelm, provide creative writing prompts, and instill a disciplined process essential for success that has produced proven results for unknown and known authors alike.

    Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.

  • Writing Memoir

    Class Schedule: Thursdays – Oct. 27, Nov. 3 & Nov. 10 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM

    This three-session virtual course provides attendees with an introduction to basic modes for telling the stories of their lives. Working in a supportive workshop setting, students will enjoy engaging, wide-ranging discussion about the joys and challenges of bringing their memories to life. Instructor: Mike Farragher, Monmouth University alumnus and author of numerous works of fiction and memoir.

    Whether you have dreams of being a bestselling author or you’re committed to creating your life story as an heirloom for future generations of your family, memoir writing can be a rewarding endeavor to help make sense of your life journey.If you’ve ever said aloud, “I should write a book someday,” but didn’t know where to begin, this course will get you on the road to fulfilling that creative dream.

    This course will explore how to get started, tools to overcome lack of confidence and overwhelm, provide creative writing prompts, and instill a disciplined process essential for success that has produced proven results for unknown and known authors alike.

    Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.

  • Roots of Rock ’n’ Roll, Part I

    Class Schedule: Thursdays – Sept. 15, Sept. 22 & Sept. 29 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM

    When the Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame nominations occur every year, the debate ignites: just what is rock?  Instead of drawing from one genre, rock ’n’ roll draws from several, all combining to create a sumptuous gumbo that rapidly captured the world’s imagination.

    This three-session virtual course taught by Kit O’Toole – the first of a two-part course – explores how gospel, blues, and jazz contributed to the development of the music of Elvis Presley, Fats Domino, Little Richard, and much more. How gospel, blues and jazz impacted instrumentation, vocal style, and composition will also be studied. In addition to multimedia presentations, class discussion and activities will enable attendees to identify the essential elements of rock.

    Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.

  • Roots of Rock ’n’ Roll, Part I

    Class Schedule: Thursdays – Sept. 15, Sept. 22 & Sept. 29 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM

    When the Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame nominations occur every year, the debate ignites: just what is rock?  Instead of drawing from one genre, rock ’n’ roll draws from several, all combining to create a sumptuous gumbo that rapidly captured the world’s imagination.

    This three-session virtual course taught by Kit O’Toole – the first of a two-part course – explores how gospel, blues, and jazz contributed to the development of the music of Elvis Presley, Fats Domino, Little Richard, and much more. How gospel, blues and jazz impacted instrumentation, vocal style, and composition will also be studied. In addition to multimedia presentations, class discussion and activities will enable attendees to identify the essential elements of rock.

    Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.

  • Roots of Rock ’n’ Roll, Part I

    Class Schedule: Thursdays – Sept. 15, Sept. 22 & Sept. 29 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM

    When the Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame nominations occur every year, the debate ignites: just what is rock?  Instead of drawing from one genre, rock ’n’ roll draws from several, all combining to create a sumptuous gumbo that rapidly captured the world’s imagination.

    This three-session virtual course taught by Kit O’Toole – the first of a two-part course – explores how gospel, blues, and jazz contributed to the development of the music of Elvis Presley, Fats Domino, Little Richard, and much more. How gospel, blues and jazz impacted instrumentation, vocal style, and composition will also be studied. In addition to multimedia presentations, class discussion and activities will enable attendees to identify the essential elements of rock.

    Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.

  • Climate Crisis: What Can We Do? An Earth Day Lecture

    Join us for a very special Adult Education Series Earth Day lecture with Heide Estes introducing the topic of Climate Crisis: What Can We Do?

    Climate crisis is real, and is constantly in the news, and triggers climate grief and climate anxiety. We need to take action, and fast … but how? We need change at all levels: individual, corporate, and governmental, and this lecture will provide strategies for how to engage in all three areas. You will learn about the importance of talking about climate with friends and family members, voting with climate change in mind, and disinvesting from fossil fuels — via your retirement fund, your workplace, anywhere you have influence. You will find out about ways you can change your diet, your home, and your transportation to lower your own carbon footprint, and provide an example to those people you’re talking with. You will learn about resources you can use to get educated, and to stay up to date with the latest developments. The important thing: do something, not nothing.

    Free and open to the public, but registration is required. When you register you will be provided the meeting link to join the conversation.

    WANT TO LEARN MORE? – Register for Prof. Estes extended three-session Adult Education Course Climate Crisis: What Can We Do? for a deeper dive in to the topic. More here:

  • Writing Memoir (Advanced)

    Class Schedule: Thursdays – Mar. 10, Mar. 17, and Mar. 24 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM

    This three-session virtual course taught by Mike Farragher (88) builds on the wildly popular Intro to Memoir Writing workshops with an emphasis on character development, dialogue, and scene setting that will make any story a page turner. Practical lessons are interspersed with writing prompts to get the creativity going during this 3 week course. No prior writing experience needed and all levels welcome!

    Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.

  • History of Slavery in New Jersey

    Class Schedule: Thursdays – Feb. 17, Feb. 24, and Mar. 3 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM

    This three-session virtual course taught by Rick Geffken will cover the period of historic New Jersey slavery starting in the 1620s to the passage of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1865. Attendees will learn that New Jersey was the last northern state to agree to abolish slavery once and for all, after many furtive attempts. The course will highlight the enslavement of African Americans and Lenape Native Americans in Monmouth County. Runaway slave ads in newspapers, maps, and images of the enslaved and slaveholders will illustrate how endemic and important slavery was to the growth of the Garden State. Stories gathered from contemporary descendants of enslaved people will provide insight into a vital part of American history only now coming to public attention. Attendees will be introduced to the work of many scholars who have studied and published books on slavery in New Jersey.

    Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.

  • The Music of Stevie Wonder

    Class Schedule: Thursdays – Jan. 27, Feb. 3, and Feb. 10 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM

    Few musicians have shaped contemporary music as extensively as Stevie Wonder, a singer, songwriter, producer, and musician who bridges so many genres he has virtually created his own. From his beginnings as an 11-year-old prodigy signed to Motown to his unsurpassed run of masterpiece albums in the 1970s, Wonder has continually expanded the boundaries of soul and R&B.

    This three-session virtual course taught by Kit O’Toole, traces the artistic development from his earliest days through his 1970s “classic period” and beyond. In addition, the class explores the chief influences on his distinctive style such as Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, and Tonto’s Exploding Head Band. Finally, Wonder’s vast impact on music will be studied through his influence on other artists.

    Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.

  • The History of Simon & Garfunkel…Together and Apart

    Class Schedule: Thursdays – Dec. 2, Dec. 9, and Dec. 16 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM

    The History of Simon & Garfunkel…Together and Apart – If you took the sweet harmonies of the Everly Brothers and matched them with the lyricism of Bob Dylan the result might be Simon & Garfunkel. Often considered the thinking person’s rock ‘n’ rollers they were also one of the most successful musical acts of the 1960’s.

    This three-session virtual course taught by Gary Wenstrup, uses  audio and visual content to trace the arc of Simon & Garfunkel’s career from their surprise teenybopper hit “Hey Schoolgirl” …to the folk-rock classic “Sound of Silence” to the ever popular “Mrs. Robinson” …to the majesty of “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” It will also cover their careers post-breakup with special attention paid to Paul’s world-wide smash “Graceland.”

    Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.