Abs, Legs and Butt
Boylon Gym SouthSculpt your abs, legs, and butt with this moderate-intensity level class focusing on basic body weight movements such as squats and lunges. Work your core with planks, crunches, and other exercises for a total lower body/core workout.
Boylon Gym SouthSculpt your abs and core with this beginner/moderate-intensity level class focusing on basic body weight movements such as planks, crunches, and other exercises for a total core workout. Sign up on the ‘Monmouth Rec” app or at fitdegree.com.
Monmouth Gamers United
Edison Hall E240BJoin us every Wednesday for a place to hang out and play games. From board games to video games we accept gamers of all types!
Abs, Legs and Butt
Boylon Gym SouthSculpt your abs, legs, and butt with this moderate-intensity level class focusing on basic body weight movements such as squats and lunges. Work your core with planks, crunches, and other exercises for a total lower body/core workout.
Abs, Legs and Butt
Boylon Gym SouthSculpt your abs, legs, and butt with this moderate-intensity level class focusing on basic body weight movements such as squats and lunges. Work your core with planks, crunches, and other exercises for a total lower body/core workout.
Boylon Gym SouthSculpt your abs and core with this beginner/moderate-intensity level class focusing on basic body weight movements such as planks, crunches, and other exercises for a total core workout. Sign up on the ‘Monmouth Rec” app or at fitdegree.com.
Michael Jackson, Off the Wall
The Great Hall Auditorium/Virtual 400 Cedar Ave, West Long Branch, NJ, United StatesIt’s just like book club but with albums! With new advances in technology, the way we consume music through our devices, apps and on demand streaming services like Pandora, Spotify and iTunes is making the idea of the “album” as an art form extinct. Get together with other music enthusiasts on Tuesday nights to discuss some of the greatest records of all-time! Listen to the album beforehand and then come prepared to discuss. This event will feature Michael Jackson, Off the Wall.