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Karen Bright: Throughline

DiMattio Gallery at Rechnitz Hall

Karen Bright: Throughline is an exhibition spanning 40 years of visual work by Karen Bright, Professor from the Department of Art and Design. Bright’s environmentally focused themes serve as the main thread over the 30 year span with consistent narratives on global warming, and climate change. Additional themes in Bright’s work relate to the MeToo movement, prevalent social and cultural issues, and current politics—all rendered as sculptures and paintings using encaustic-based materials.

Just Beachy/After Sandy

DiMattio Gallery at Rechnitz Hall

A public, participatory installation by Karen Bright featuring a collaborative work with Assistant Professor of Communication, Amanda Stojanov, will feature placed-based work related to the legacy of Hurricane Sandy.

Free and open to the public

Afrofuturist Design: Ancient Dogon To Wakandan Futures

Guggenheim Memorial Library, Room #101 400 Cedar Ave, West Long Branch, NJ, United States

We are extending this invitation for you to join us as we host Afrofuturist Design: Ancient Dogon To Wakandan Futures, beginning in September and ending in November 2019. We hope that you are able to join us. Opening Reception Saturday, September 27 6 p.m.–8 p.m. Black Speculative Arts Movement: Black Brain Belt Symposium Saturday, November […]

Superintendents’ Academy: Session 1

Edison Atrium – Room 201

The School of Education at Monmouth University is pleased to announce the eleventh year of their Superintendents’ Academy for superintendents and central office administrators.

Alexandra Kleeman

The Great Hall Auditorium

Alexandra Kleeman is a Staten Island-based writer of fiction and nonfiction, and the winner of the 2016 Bard Fiction Prize. Her fiction has been published in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Zoetrope: All-Story, Conjunctions, and Guernica, among others. Nonfiction essays and reportage have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Harper’s, Tin House, n+1, and The Guardian. Her work has received scholarships and grants from Bread Loaf, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Santa Fe Art Institute, and ArtFarm Nebraska. She is the author of the debut novel You Too Can Have A Body Like Mine (Harper, 2015) and Intimations (Harper, 2016), a short story collection

The Beatles, Abbey Road

The Great Hall Auditorium

It’s just like a book club but with albums! Get together with other music enthusiasts on Tuesday nights to discuss some of the greatest records of all-time! Listen to the album beforehand and then come prepared to discuss … there will be special guest moderators and panelists at each event!

MARGARET ATWOOD – Live in theatres

Pollak Theatre

The Testaments, Margaret Atwood’s highly anticipated sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale, is revealed. The momentous literary event will be celebrated with an exclusive live cinema broadcast, as Fane Productions present an evening with the Canadian novelist, poet, literary critic and inventor. The publication of Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale in 1985 and the current, Emmy Award-winning television series have created a cultural phenomenon, as handmaids have become a symbol of women’s rights and a protest against misogyny and oppression. Live from the London stage, Atwood will be interviewed by broadcaster and author Samira Ahmed in a conversation spanning the length of Atwood’s remarkable career, her diverse range of works, and why she has returned to her seminal handmaid story, 34 years later.

Tickets: $23