
Final Exams Study Break

Pinewood Hall Lounge

Take a moment to catch your breath in Pinewood Hall Lounge as you study for your final exams.  We’ll have some snacks and refreshments to get you through the day.  Best wishes on your final exams!

Final Exams Study Break

Pinewood Hall Lounge

We haven’t forgot that it’s final exams.  Remember to stop by Pinewood Lounge from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm to enjoy some crafts and games in between studying.   Best wishes with your exams and projects

Self-Service Gift Wrapping and Holiday Cards

Library Room 101 – 1st Floor

Create some holiday cheer by gift wrapping the things you got at the Holiday Bazaar on Thursday 12/12/2024 at our special wrapping event!

Self-Service Gift Wrapping and Holiday Cards

Library Room 101 – 1st Floor

Create some holiday cheer by gift wrapping the things you got at the Holiday Bazaar on Thursday 12/12/2024 at our special wrapping event!

Final Exams Study Break

Pinewood Hall Lounge

We’re finishing strong and we hope you do too!  Stop by Pinewood Lounge between 2:00-6:00 pm for our last edition of Fall 2024 Final Exams Study Break – Coffee Bar, Snacks, Music edition.  Best wishes on your final exams and we hope you have a safe and wonderful winter break.  Fly Hawks!

Self-Service Gift Wrapping and Holiday Cards

Guggenheim Memorial Library, Room #101 400 Cedar Ave, West Long Branch, NJ, United States

Create some holiday cheer by gift wrapping the things you got at the Holiday Bazaar on Thursday 12/12/2024 at our special wrapping event!

Event Series Abs, Legs and Butt

Abs, Legs and Butt

Boylan Gym South

Sculpt your abs, legs, and butt with this moderate-intensity level class focusing on basic body weight movements such as squats and lunges. Work your core with planks, crunches, and other exercises for a total lower body/core workout.

Event Series CrunchTime


Boylan Gym South

Sculpt your abs and core with this beginner/moderate-intensity level class focusing on basic body weight movements such as planks, crunches, and other exercises for a total core workout.  Sign up on the ‘Monmouth Rec” app or at
