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CLONet Workshop


The Coastal Lakes Observing Network (CLONet) will host its annual workshop on Tuesday, Nov. 17, from 12-2 p.m. Through the CLONet project, Monmouth University School of Science and Urban Coast Institute (UCI) staff and students partner with municipalities and community groups to organize citizen science efforts dedicated to understanding the causes of environmental problems facing Deal Lake, Fletcher Lake, Lake Como, Lake Takanassee, Spring Lake, Silver Lake, Sunset Lake, Sylvan Lake, Wesley Lake and Wreck Pond.

The workshop is an opportunity for CLONet volunteers to share their experiences with fellow citizen scientists and find out what the water quality sampling data they’ve collected to date reveals. New individuals and groups interested in volunteering are welcome to attend.

Virtual Tuesday Night Book Club: Clare Beams’ The Illness Lesson

Join us for Tuesday Night Book Club! Hosted by Monmouth University’s Ken Womack and Michael Thomas, each month we’ll explore a different novel. All you have to do is Zoom in and join the discussion! This month’s novel is Clare Beams’ The Illness Lesson. When you register you will be provided the meeting link to join the conversation. 

Free and open to the public, but registration is required