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Enter The Facilitatrix: Strategic Soft Power for Collaborative Artists


Elliot Reed’s Enter the Facilitatrix outlines a select few performances and, through the use of participatory exercises, enacts some the process he uses during rehearsals. Rehearsal provides an invaluable tool for developing content, building camaraderie, and identifying the unique talents of each person in the room. Reed believes in play and respects “unscripted” studio time as a constant wellspring of potential. His role as director is to highlight, edit, and reassemble the material presented to him. This is only possible by treating the cast as individuals, promoting a shared goal while developing trust between each other. A trusting cast is able to extend their limits and offer support, because the fear of ostracism is greatly diminished. His objective is to share improvisational tools for generating ideas, clearing creative muck, and bringing people together—inspiration that extends to many collaborative, creative, and social disciplines.

Free and open to the public; registration required