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Fifty Years of ‘Makin’ This Guitar Talk: A Bruce Springsteen Forum

The Great Hall

The Friends of Bruce Springsteen and Monmouth University will sponsor a unique Springsteen-themed forum in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Bruce Springsteen’s first major steps towards becoming a professional musician.
The structure of the forum will be centered around a series of moderated panel discussions on various Springsteen-related topics, allowing the audience to hear from and interact with a variety of authors and scholars. Tickets will be available at the door. Cash Only.

$10 (without lunch)


Pollak Theatre

An America’s Got Talent finalist from Season 8, Catapult is a features incredible dancers who work behind a screen to create magical shadow silhouettes of shapes from the world around us. Be amazed as you watch their bodies transform into a mountain, an elephant, a dragon, even a helicopter! You’ll never figure out how they do it, and you won’t know what they will create next – you’ll be surprised and delighted again and again. Packed with hundreds of shape transformation, the show is full of humor, emotion and engaging stories.

Adults $40, $50; Children $20, $25

Wilson Hall Holiday Concert

The Great Hall

Please note that advance tickets to this event are SOLD OUT! A limited amount of STANDING ROOM only tickets will be available the evening of the event by CASH ONLY. MU Students can also attend in the STANDING ROOM Section for free with their ID. A cavalcade of Holiday favorites featuring the Monmouth University Chamber Orchestra, The Jazz Hawks, The Concert Choir, the Chamber Choir, soloists, and a special appearance by the Colts Neck Reformed Church Exultation Ringers, all in the magisterial setting of Wilson Hall.

$15 (adults)