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Photo of Joanne Jodry

Joanne Jodry, Ed.D., D.M.H.

  • Associate Professor

Department: Professional Counseling

Office: Monmouth University Graduate Center 106

Phone: 732-263-5115


Specializations in professional mental health counseling, with primary clinical interests in women’s issues throughout the life span, life crisis, and existential issues. Areas of interest in research include the interplay of psychology and religion (through a world religion perspective), the impact of therapeutic relationships on the therapist, and feminist counseling and its future impact on the mental health counseling field.


DMH, Drew University

Ed.D., Argosy University (Sarasota)

Research Interests

Transformation travel research: Multicultural, personal and professional changes (Study of student transformation to India Service trip, which took place January 2019). Journal article completed January 2020. Submitting to Multicultural Counseling Journal. This will be an ongoing research project, survey for students and collections of their journals will continue from year to year before and after the service trip to India.


Jodry, J. & Reid, M. (2019). Ecospirituality in M. Delaney (Ed.), Nature is Nurture: Counseling and the Natural World  (pp. 167-192). New York: Oxford Press.

Scholarly Articles

Jodry, J. & Reid, M. (2019). Acting theory applied to counseling: Stanislavski continues to contribute to psychic healing. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health.

Jodry, J. & McCleskey, K. (2019). Integrating feminist theory into cognitive behavioral approaches. Virginia Counseling Journal.

Presentations/Invited Talks

Jodry, J. (2019). Creating Spiritual Transformation through Service Travel: Educational, Clinical & Personal Implications. Workshop presented at a National conference for the Association of Spiritual and Ethical Values in Counseling in Colorado Springs, CO.

Jodry, J. (2019). Ecospirituality. Poster presented at a National conference for the Association of Spiritual and Ethical Values in Counseling in Colorado Springs, CO.


Grant in Creativity Award 2K toward Travel projects, 2019

Grant in Service Learning 1K toward Travel projects, 2019