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Photo of Donald R. Smith, Ph.D.

Donald R. Smith, Ph.D.

  • Professor Emeritus

Department: Management and Leadership

Office: Samuel E. and Mollie Bey Hall 250

Phone: 732-571-7536


Dr. Smith received an AB in Physics (magna cum laude) from Cornell University, an MS in Operations Research from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He was an Assistant Professor of Operations Research at Columbia University where he taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the Engineering School and the basic quantitative course in the MBA program.

He left Columbia to take a research position at Bell Laboratories where he later became a manager of an Operations Research group, most of whose members had a Ph.D. degree. In 2001 he came to Monmouth University where he is currently an associate professor in the Department of Management and Marketing Department and director of the MBA program. At Monmouth, he has taught courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in statistics, operations management, and management science.

He has been active in the operations research professional society (INFORMS) and in particular with the administration of the Franz Edelman award (the premier award for operations research practice) where he has chaired the competition two times, served as a judge nine times, and was the coach of a winning entry.

Dr. Smith’s research area is primarily within stochastic processes (the study of systems governed by probability) and their optimization. He has authored more than 20 articles in the flagship journals of operations research.


Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

M.S., Columbia University

AB, Cornell University

Additional Information

Selected Works:

Smith, D. R., & Scott, R. Golden Arm: A Probabilistic Study of Dice Control in CrapsUNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, 2018, 22(1).

Marshall, Susan and Smith, Donald R., “Feedback, Control and the Distribution of Prime Numbers,” Susan Marshall and Donald R. Smith, June 2013 (awarded 2014 Allendoerfer Prize from the prestigious MAA, also awarded 2016 Chauvenet Prize for outstanding exposition in mathematics in any North American journal in the last three years).

“Coaching versus Traditional Management: Employee Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness”  (with Mosca, Flaming and Buzza), International Leadership Journal, Volume 1 issue 2, March 2009, p 94-106 (Research Note).

“Applying Merton’s Theory of Anomia to Career Disruptions,” Michaeline Skiba, Donald R. Smith and Kimball P. Marshall.  Management Research News, Issue 4, Volume 32 (2009), April 4, 2009.

“Optimal Initial Billing Period,” (with R. Scott, III) Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Volume 7, February 2007.

“Inventory Requirements Planning at Lucent Technologies,” Interfaces, Vol 34, Number 5, 342-352, September-October, 2004.

“2002 Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences,” Interfaces, Vol 33 Number 1, 1-4 (with Steven C. Graves) [non-refereed journal appearance indicative of activity of high-value for maintaining currency in the field of applied Operations Research].

“Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences,” Interfaces, Vol 32 Number 1, 1-4 (with Steven C. Graves) [non-refereed journal appearance indicative of activity of high-value for maintaining currency in the field of applied Operations Research].

“Optimal Use of Hub Facilities: a two hub model with fixed arc costs,” (with R.S. Garfinkel, P. S. Sundaraghavan, and C. Noon), Top 4 [Trabajos de Investigacion Operativa] (1996), no 2, 331-343: MR1627953

“Engine for Inventory Management,” ORMS Today, 34-37, February, 1996, (with A. Bangash and H. Shulman).

“A Lexicographic Minimax Algorithm for Multiperiod Resource Allocation,” Mathematical Programming, 55, 213-234, (1992), (with R. Klein and H. Luss).

“Multiperiod Allocation of Limited Resources: A Minimax Approach,” Naval Research Logistics, 35, 491-501, (1988), (with H. Luss).

“Resource Allocation among Competing Activities: A Lexicographic Minimax Approach,” Operations Research Letters, 5, 227-231, (1986), (with H. Luss).

“Resource Sharing for Efficiency Problem Solution,” The American Mathematical Monthly, 93, 488-489, (1986), (with W. Whitt).

“Probabilistic Analysis of Interframe Tie Requirements for Cross-Connect Systems,” AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, 63, 643-664, (1984), (with C. Monma).

“A model for Special Service Circuit Activity,” The Bell System Technical Journal, 62, 2911-2934, (1983).

“A Light Traffic Theorem for Multi-Server Queues,” Mathematics of Operations Research, 8, 15-25, (1983), (with D. Burman).

“Asymptotic Analysis of a Queueing Model with Bursty Traffic,” The Bell System Technical Journal, 62, 1433-1453, (1983), (with D. Burman).

“Resource Sharing for Efficiency in Traffic Systems,” The Bell System Technical Journal, 60, 39-55, (1981), (with W. Whitt).

“Priority Channel Assignment in Tandem DSI,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, COM-28, 1802-1808, (1980), (with M. Schwartz and K. Mase).

“Renewal Decision Problem – Random Horizon,” Mathematics of Operations Research, 4, 225-232, (1979), (with C. Derman).

“A New Proof of the Optimality of the Shortest Remaining Processing Time Discipline,” Operations Research, 26, 197-199 (1978).

“On a Renewal Decision Problem,” Management Science, 24, 562-563, (1978).

“Optimal Repairman Allocation – Asymptotic Results,” Management Science, 24, 665-674, (1978).

“Optimal Repair of a Series System,” Operations Research, 26, 653-662, (1978).

“An Alternative Proof of the IFRA Property of Some Shock Models,” Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 27, 703-707, (with C. Derman).

“An Asymptotic Analysis of a Queueing System with Markov-Modulated Arrivals, Operations Research, 34, 105-119, (with D. Burman).


Recently Taught Classes

2022 Spring

  • Business Modeling and Analysis – BM 402
  • Operations Management – BM 350

Frequently Taught Classes

  • Business Modeling and Analysis (BM 402)
  • Introduction to Statistics (BM 518)
  • Management Science and Business Analytics (BM 620)
  • Operations Management (BM 350)