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Danielle Frith, Ph.D.

  • Specialist Professor

Department: Special Education

Office: Robert E. McAllan Hall 229

Phone: 732-571-3614


Dr. Frith received her Ph.D. in special education from Temple University. Her dissertation was on administrator knowledge of early reading instruction. Her B.S. in special education is from Monmouth University, her Master’s degree in special education is from Rider University, and her Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant post-master’s certification is from The College of New Jersey (TCNJ). Dr. Frith completed a LEND Fellowship at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in 2020, where she engaged in multidisciplinary projects, including a research project for LENA Start, a skills-building language intervention.

Dr. Frith spent 14 years in the PK-12 public school sector, as a special education classroom teacher for five years and a Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant (LDT-C) for nine years, prior to transitioning to higher education, where she is currently a full-time specialist professor and LDT-C program contact in the special education department at Monmouth University. She teaches both preservice and in-service educators through undergraduate and graduate courses on assessment, IEP development, special education technology, strategy instruction, evidence-based practices, learning theories, and special education law. As the LDT-C program contact, she teaches, mentors, and supervises LDT-C candidates who are in-service educators within the PK-12 sector.

Dr. Frith is on the board of directors for the National Certification for Educational Diagnosticians (NCED). At Monmouth University she is the Best Buddies chapter club advisor and she participates on numerous committees, including the Social and Emotional Learning Committee (Chair), Department of Disabilities Services Faculty Advisory Committee, Social Justice Academy Committee, Instructional Technology Committee, and University-Wide Scholarship Committee. She is also a Monmouth University School of Education Faculty Council representative and the current Monmouth University Write on Sports Program director.

In January 2023 Dr. Frith received the Certificate in Effective Instruction from the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE). She is an active member of the New Jersey Association of Learning Consultants (NJALC). Dr. Frith consults with school districts; she provides professional development for teachers and paraprofessionals on topics including IEP development, assessment/instruction, and dyslexia. Dr. Frith recently co-authored the article, Using Jigsaw to Complete the Note-Taking Puzzle, which was published in TEACHING Exceptional Children and was recently interviewed about dyslexia accommodations by Special Ed Connect.

Dr. Frith is a member of the Journal of Special Education Preparation (JOSEP) Review Board. She is a former Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD) Leadership Academy cohort participant and active member of CLD. She has presented on special education topics at numerous local and national conferences, including National Association for Professional Development Schools (NAPDS), Council for Learning Disabilities, New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), NJASCD, and NJALC.


Ph.D. , Temple University


Recently Taught Classes

2024 Fall

  • Advanced Instructional Methods in Special Education – EDS 568
  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 – EDS 338
  • Instructional Methods and Materials for Students With Disabilities – EDS 342

2024 Summer B

  • Assessment Strategies and Applications in the Classroom – EDS 572

2024 Spring

  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 – EDS 338
  • Assessment Strategies and Applications in the Classroom – EDS 572
  • Diagnosis and Correction of Learning Disabilities – EDS 590
  • Special Education Law – EDS 538

2023 Fall

  • Assessment and Curricula Interventions and Strategies – EDS 570
  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 – EDS 338
  • Foundations of Special Education: Child & Adolescent Development and Transition to Adulthood – EDS 500
  • Instructional Methods and Materials for Students With Disabilities – EDS 342

2023 Summer B

  • Assessment Strategies and Applications in the Classroom – EDS 572

2023 Spring

  • Learning Theories and Applications in Educational Settings – EDS 550
  • Special Education Law – EDS 538
  • Special Education Strategies in P-6 Social Studies and Content Instruction – EDS 337
  • Technology and Students With Disabilities – EDS 535

2022 Fall

  • Advanced Instructional Methods in Special Education – EDS 568
  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 – EDS 338
  • Assessment Strategies and Applications in the Classroom – EDS 572
  • Special Education Strategies in P-6 Social Studies and Content Instruction – EDS 337

2022 Summer B

  • Assessment Strategies and Applications in the Classroom – EDS 572

2022 Summer A

  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 – EDS 338

2022 Spring

  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 – EDS 338
  • Diagnosis and Correction of Learning Disabilities – EDS 590
  • Learning Theories and Applications in Educational Settings – EDS 550
  • Special Education Law – EDS 538
  • Special Education Strategies in P-6 Social Studies and Content Instruction – EDS 337

2021 Fall

  • Assessment and Curricula Interventions and Strategies – EDS 570
  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 – EDS 338
  • Assessment Strategies and Applications in the Classroom – EDS 572
  • Special Education Strategies in P-6 Social Studies and Content Instruction – EDS 337

2021 Summer E

  • Technology and Students With Disabilities – EDS 535

2021 Summer B

  • Assessment Strategies and Applications in the Classroom – EDS 572

2021 Summer A

  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 – EDS 338

2021 Spring

  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 – EDS 338
  • Diagnosis and Correction of Learning Disabilities – EDS 590
  • Learning Theories and Applications in Educational Settings – EDS 550
  • Special Education Law – EDS 538

Frequently Taught Classes

  • Advanced Instructional Methods in Special Education (EDS 568)
  • Assessment and Curricula Interventions and Strategies (EDS 570)
  • Assessment Approaches, P-12 (EDS 338)
  • Assessment Strategies and Applications in the Classroom (EDS 572)
  • Diagnosis and Correction of Learning Disabilities (EDS 590)
  • Instructional Methods and Materials for Students With Disabilities (EDS 342)
  • Learning Theories and Applications in Educational Settings (EDS 550)
  • Special Education Law (EDS 538)
  • Special Education Strategies in P-6 Social Studies and Content Instruction (EDS 337)
  • Technology and Students With Disabilities (EDS 535)