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Brian Lockwood

Brian Lockwood, Ph.D.

  • Professor
  • Graduate Program Director

Department: Criminal Justice

Office: Edison Science Building 339F

Phone: 732-571-7567


Dr. Lockwood is a graduate of Temple University, where he obtained an M.A. and Ph.D. in Criminal Justice. He earned a B.A. in Law and Justice and English from the College of New Jersey.


Ph.D., Criminal Justice, Temple University

M.A., Criminal Justice, Temple University

B.A., Law and Justice and English, College of New Jersey

Research Interests

Uses of GIS in Criminal Justice; juvenile delinquency; spatial criminology

Scholarly Articles

Taylor, R. B., Lockwood, B., Wyant, B. R. (in press). Can streetblock 311 physical incivility call count shifts predict changing on-site conditions? Gauging ecological construct validity of 311 litter calls. Journal of Crime and Justice.

Comiskey, J. G., Lockwood, B., Cunningham, S., Arminio, Julia. (2021). The association between participant characteristics and perceptions of the effectiveness of law enforcement tactical simulator training. Police Practice and Research, 22(6): 1655-1667.

Lockwood, B., Wyant, B. R., Grunwald, H. E. (2021). Locating litter: An exploratory multilevel analysis of the spatial patterns of litter in Philadelphia. Environment & Behavior, 53(6): 601-635.

Wyant, B. R., Harner, H. M., Lockwood, B. (2021). Gender differences and the effect of copayments on the utilization of health care in prison. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 27(1): 30-35.

Lockwood, B., Harris, P. W., Grunwald, H. E. (2019). Are they buying or selling again? Estimating the impact of neighborhood-level contagion on types of juvenile drug recidivism. Crime & Delinquency, 65(10): 1455-1480.

Wyant, B. R. & Lockwood, B. (2018). Transformative learning, higher order thinking, and the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program. The Journal of Correctional Education, 69(3): 49-62.

Ulan, E., Lockwood, B., & Comiskey, J. G. (2018). Constitutional, ethical, both, or neither? An investigation of Homeland Security majors’ perceptions of National Security Agency bulk surveillance programs. Journal of Homeland Security Education, 7, 46-59.

Lockwood, B., Doyle, M., & Comiskey, J. G. (2018). Armed, but too dangerous? Factors associated with citizen support for the militarization of the police. Criminal Justice Studies, 31(2): 113-127.

Doyle, M., Lockwood, B., & Comiskey, J. G. (2017). The relationship between Superstorm Sandy and the academic achievement of university students. Disasters, 41(4): 748-763.

Bartelt, David W., Karin Eyerich-Garg, and Brian Lockwood. (2017). The relationships between community context and entry into a homeless shelter system. Journal of Urban Affairs , 39(5): 675-690.

Auerhahn, K., Henderson, J., McConnell, P., & Lockwood, B. (2017). Are you judged by the residence you keep? Homicide sentencing, attribution and neighborhood context. Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society, 18(1): 28-51.

Schmidt, J. & Lockwood, B. (2017). Love and other grades: A study of the effects of romantic relationship status on the academic performance of university students. The Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 19(1): 81-97.


Recently Taught Classes

2024 Fall

  • Geographic Information Systems, Crime Mapping, and Analysis – CJ 595
  • Seminar in Criminal Justice – CJ 490
  • Senior Research Project in Homeland Security – HLS 490

2024 Summer E

  • International Policing and Public Safety Leadership – CJ 582

2024 Summer C

  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course – CJ 695

2024 Spring

  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course – CJ 695
  • Seminar in Criminal Justice – CJ 490
  • Senior Research Project in Homeland Security – HLS 490
  • Statistics for Criminal Justice – CJ 211

2023 Fall

  • Geographic Information Systems, Crime Mapping, and Analysis – CJ 595
  • Seminar in Criminal Justice – CJ 490
  • Senior Research Project in Homeland Security – HLS 490

2023 Summer E

  • Geographic Information Systems, Crime Mapping, and Analysis – CJ 595
  • International Policing and Public Safety Leadership – CJ 582
  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course – CJ 695

2022 Fall

  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course – CJ 695
  • Seminar in Criminal Justice – CJ 490
  • Senior Research Project in Homeland Security – HLS 490
  • Statistics for Criminal Justice – CJ 211

2022 Summer C

  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course – CJ 695

2022 Spring

  • Comprehensive Exam – CJ CPE
  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course – CJ 695
  • Seminar in Criminal Justice – CJ 490
  • Senior Research Project in Homeland Security – HLS 490

2021 Fall

  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course – CJ 695
  • Seminar in Criminal Justice – CJ 490
  • Senior Research Project in Homeland Security – HLS 490
  • Statistics for Criminal Justice – CJ 211

2021 Summer E

2021 Summer C

  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course – CJ 695

2021 Spring

  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course – CJ 695
  • Statistics for Criminal Justice – CJ 211

Frequently Taught Classes

  • Comprehensive Exam (CJ CPE)
  • Criminal Justice Research Methods (CJ 315)
  • Geographic Information Systems, Crime Mapping, and Analysis (CJ 595)
  • Homeland Security Comprehensive Examination (HLS CPE)
  • Homeland Security Research Methods (HLS 315)
  • International Policing and Public Safety Leadership (CJ 582)
  • Knowledge Into Practice: Criminal Justice Capstone Course (CJ 695)
  • Research Methods (CJ 315)
  • Seminar in Criminal Justice (CJ 490)
  • Senior Research Project in Homeland Security (HLS 490)
  • Statistics for Criminal Justice (CJ 211)