Administrative Departments

Accounts Payable

Phone: (732) 571-3572

Fax: (732) 263-5720

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, W-4

Administrative Services

Phone: (732) 571-3425

Fax: (732) 263-5201

Sub Departments: Campus Planning and Construction

Admission – Graduate

Phone: (732) 571-3452

Fax: (732) 263-5123

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, 201

Admission – Undergraduate

Phone: (732) 571-3456

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, Admission

Admission Processing

Phone: (732) 571-3456

Fax: (732) 923-4790

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Advancement Services

Phone: (732) 571-7581

Fax: (732) 263-5315

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving

Phone: (732) 571-3489

Location: Alumni House


Phone: (732) 571-3415

Fax: (732) 571-3535

Sub Departments: Fitness Center, Sports Medicine, Varsity Weight Room


Phone: (732) 571-3453

Fax: (732) 263-5219

Location: OceanFirst Bank Center

Bursar’s Office

Phone: (732) 571-3454

Location: The Great Hall Annex, 110


Monday thru Friday
8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Campus Planning

Phone: (732) 571-3424

Campus Planning and Construction

Phone: (732) 571-3424

Fax: (732) 263-5163

Campus Planning and Facilities Management

Phone: (732) 571-3425

Fax: (732) 263-5147

Sub Departments: Campus Planning, Facilities Management

Career Development

Phone: (732) 571-3471

Fax: (732) 263-5167

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center

Cashier’s Office

Phone: (732) 571-3454

Fax: (732) 263-5366

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, First Floor

Central Box Office

Phone: (732) 263-6889

Fax: (732) 923-4662

Central Scheduling

Phone: (732) 571-3473

Fax: (732) 263-5284

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center


Phone: (732) 571-3459

Fax: (732) 263-5365

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Conference Services and Special Events

Phone: (732) 571-3473

Fax: (732) 263-5284

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Controller’s Office

Phone: (732) 571-3407

Fax: 732-263-5270

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, 203

Counseling and Prevention Services

Phone: (732) 571-7517

Fax: (732) 923-4758

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center

Digital Print Center

Phone: (732) 571-3461

Fax: (732) 263-5139

Disability Services for Students

Phone: (732) 571-3460

Fax: (732) 263-5126

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center

Educational Opportunity Fund Program (EOF)

Phone: (732) 571-3462

Fax: (732) 263-5125

Location: Samuel Hays Magill Commons

Enrollment Publications

Phone: (732) 263-5579

Fax: (732) 263-5121

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Facilities Management

Phone: (732) 571-3425

Fax: (732) 263-5147

Financial Aid

Phone: (732) 571-3463

Fax: (732) 923-4791

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Fitness Center

Phone: (732) 263-5855

General Counsel’s Office

Phone: (732) 571-3598

Fax: (732) 263-5140

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn


Monday – Friday 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please Note: If you need a contract reviewed, please email it to

Gourmet Dining

Phone: (732) 263-5608

Fax: (732) 222-0885

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center

Government and Community Relations

Phone: 732-263-5679

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Graduate Studies

Phone: 732-571-7550

Fax: (732) 571-7573

Location: Monmouth University Graduate Center, Room 103

Health Services

Phone: (732) 571-3464

Fax: (732) 263-5353

Location: Health Center

Help Desk

Phone: (732) 923-4357

Fax: (732) 263-5200

Location: Edison Science Building

Human Resources

Phone: (732) 571-3470

Fax: (732) 263-5155

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, 312

Sub Departments: Student Employment

Information Logistics and Security

Phone: (732) 571-3656

Fax: (732) 263-5200

Location: Edison Science Building

Information Operations

Phone: (732) 571-3451

Fax: (732) 263-5200

Location: Edison Science Building

Information Support

Phone: (732) 923-4357

Fax: (732) 263-5200

Location: Edison Science Building

Internal Audit

Phone: 732-263-5521

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, 304

International Student Services

Phone: (732) 923-4768

Fax: (732) 263-5464

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center


Phone: (732) 571-3468

Student Mailroom: (732) 263-5224

Fax: (732) 263-5201

Media Operations

Phone: (732) 571-3466

Fax: (732) 263-5156

Location: Plangere Center for Communication

Monmouth Junior Science Symposium

Phone: (732) 571-7520

Fax: (732) 263-5102

Location: Plangere Center for Communication

Office of Compliance

Phone: 732-263-5355

Location: Facilities Management


Monday through Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Office of Equity and Diversity

Phone: (732) 571-7577

Fax: (732) 263-5140

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Office of Research Compliance

Phone: (732) 263-5726

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Office of the Provost

Phone: 732-571-3405

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Office of the Registrar

Phone: (732) 571-3477

Fax: 732-263-5141

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, 208


Phone: (732) 571-3481

Fax: (732) 263-5151

Location: Plangere Center for Communication


Phone: (732) 571-3469

Fax: 732-571-3582

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, 1st Floor


Monday to Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Phone: (732) 571-4444

Fax: (732) 263-5157

Location: University Police

President’s Office

Phone: (732) 571-3402

Fax: (732) 263-5117

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn, 213

Public Affairs

Phone: (732) 571-3546

Fax: (732) 263-5660

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn


Phone: (732) 571-3476

Fax: (732) 263-5119

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Residential Life

Phone: (732) 571-3465

Fax: (732) 263-5127

Location: 600 Art Building

Student Activities

Phone: (732) 571-3586

Fax: (732) 263-5100

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center

Student Employment

Phone: (732) 263-5706

Fax: (732) 923-4757

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Student Engagement

Phone: (732) 571-3586

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center


Phone: (732) 571 3520

Fax: (732) 263-5200

Location: Edison Science Building

Transfer and Undeclared Services

Phone: (732) 571-3588

Fax: (732) 923-4777

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center, Lower Level, Center for Student Success

Tutoring and Writing Services

Phone: (732) 263-5721

Fax: (732) 263-5126

Location: Rebecca Stafford Student Center

University Marketing and Communications

Phone: 732-571-3445

Fax: (732) 263-5164

Location: The Great Hall at Shadow Lawn

Varsity Weight Room

Phone: (732) 571-7590

Fax: (732) 571-3535

Location: William T. Boylan Gymnasium and Richard E. Steadman Natatorium