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Minor in Race and Ethnic Studies

About the Program

The Department of History and Anthropology’s minor program in race and ethnic studies is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary program that affords students the opportunity to either take interdisciplinary courses, cross listed classes, or courses in a specific discipline that focuses on a diverse population group with required courses that concentrate on the United States or race/ethnicity in world societies.

This minor allows students the opportunity to develop as global citizens through the comparative and multidisciplinary study of the history, culture, geography, politics, sociology and economics of Africans, African Americans, Asians, Native Americans, Latin Americans, and Muslim populations in the Middle East. Courses associated with this minor have a race and ethnic studies designation (RE) and these classes provide students with the cultural competency necessary to function in the global classroom in a nation that is becoming increasingly more ethnically diverse.

Requirements for the Minor in Race and Ethnic Studies

There are fifteen credits required for this minor including two required courses. Students must take either American Diversity (AN 380) or Race and Ethnicity (SO 252) and Slavery in the Atlantic World (HS 349) for a total of six required credits. Students then can select from a variety of 200 level or above courses with the RE designation for a total of nine credits to complete the minor.

For questions, please contact Professor Christopher DeRosa.

Photo of Christopher DeRosa

Christopher DeRosa, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

History and Anthropology

James and Marlene Howard Hall, 345