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Minor in Philosophy and Religious Studies

About the Program

Explore philosophical questions, belief systems, and societal structures throughout history with a Philosophy and Religious Studies minor.

What is Philosophy and Religious Studies?

Philosophy and Religious Studies courses introduce students to the diverse ways of thinking that shape contemporary society. By way of drawing our attention to the world of ideas, these courses spur students to reflect on concepts and beliefs that are present in everyday life. Through engaging fundamental questions such as—What is reality? What is human nature? What is truth? What is consciousness? What is the self? What is happiness? What is justice? What is freedom? What is the good life?—students learn the habits and skills of assessing and constructing arguments, communicating their ideas effectively, understanding societal beliefs and values, appreciating the significance of multiple perspectives, as well as evaluating diverse information resources.

The purpose of studying philosophy and religion is to guide us in becoming better critical thinkers by reflecting upon and examining the elements of our own worldview. These courses touch upon many subjects, and the methods and forms of analysis are applicable in any field. These courses serve as the cornerstone of a comprehensive college education, and much of what is learned in Philosophy and Religious Studies can be applied to virtually any endeavor.

Why Pursue a Minor in Philosophy and Religious Studies?

By pursuing a Minor in Philosophy and Religious Studies, students develop the essential intellectual skills that will enrich their lifelong learning journey. These skills are highly valuable because they will empower you as an active member of civil society and help you advance your career.

A Philosophy and Religious Minor helps you stand out when you apply for jobs. It signifies that you have a well-rounded education and that you are capable of thinking independently about challenging questions; it shows you are able to recognize the basic elements of thought, think logically, address complex problems, and evaluate different perspectives of an issue.

A Philosophy and Religious Studies Minor complements any major when you apply for graduate school. You gain valuable critical thinking skills that can prepare you for graduate study in any field. The success of Philosophy and Religious Studies minors on graduate school admission tests, such as the GRE, LSAT, GMAT, and MCAT, demonstrates that these courses provide an excellent preparation for any future career.

A Philosophy and Religious Studies Minor can be completed efficiently and in tandem with any major. In addition to two introductory courses, the minor requires only three other classes in philosophy or religious studies. Some Perspectives classes can count toward the minor, and many classes also satisfy General Education requirements.

Core Courses

  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Introduction to Religion
Photo of Manuel Chavez, Ph.D.

Manuel Chávez, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor;
Director of Philosophy Program

History and Anthropology

James and Marlene Howard Hall, 324