The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945
Archive of Previous Issues 2000 – 2013

A Special Topics Issue
Reading Sideways: Middlebrow Into Modernism
ISSN 1551-9309
Volume 9, Issue 1, 2013
Containing the Monster: The Golem in Expressionist Film and Theater
by Mia Spiro
Modernist Yiddish Aesthetics, I. L. Peretz’s Middlebrow Yiddish Poetics, and the Place of Yehoash in Modernist and Middlebrow Literary History
by Michael T. Williamson
“Sideways” Feminism: Rebecca West and the Saturday Evening Post, 1928
by Margaret Stetz
“Shrill Small Voices … Drowned Out by the General Trumpetings of Praise”: The Reception of Noel Coward’s Cavalcade
by Rebecca Cameron
Defining Detective Fiction in Interwar Britain
by Victoria Stewart
Baziotes, Surrealism, and Boxing: “Life in a Squared Ring”
by Mona Hadler
Book Reviews:
Erica Brown and Mary Grover, Editors, Middlebrow Literary Cultures: The Battle of the Brows, 1920-1960 reviewed by Stella Deen, State University of New York, New Paltz
Faye Hammill, Sophistication: A Literary and Cultural History reviewed by Ann Rea, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Jonathan M. Hess, Middlebrow Literature and the Making of German-Jewish Identity reviewed by Axel Stähler, University of Kent, Canterbury
Jessica Berman, Modernist Commitments: Ethics, Politics, and Transnational Modernism reviewed by Jannine Utell, Widener University
Adam Piette and Mark Rawlinson, Editors, The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century British and American War Literature reviewed by Patrick Deer, New York University
Lawrence Napper, British Cinema and Middlebrow Culture in the Interwar Years reviewed by Gil Toffell, Queen Mary, University of London
Estel Eforgan, Leslie Howard: The Lost Actor reviewed by Alexis Pogorelskin, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Jennifer Jane Marshall, Machine Art, 1934 reviewed by Leo Mazow, University of Arkansas
The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945
ISSN 1551-9309
Volume 8, Issue 1, 2012

Close Up and Wars They Saw: From Visual Erotics to a Transferential Politics of Film
by Susan McCabe
Max Ernst’s Post-World War 1 Studies in Hysteria
by Samantha Kavky
Aestheticizing Politics and Politicizing Art: The “Magic Apparatus” of Cinema in Vernon Lee’s Satan the Waster
by Laurel Harris
Getting the Frame into the Pictures: Wells, West, and the Mid-War Novel
by Debra Rae Cohen
Pledging Peace in Aldous Huxley’s Eyeless in Gaza
by Charles Andrews
John Sommerfield and Mass-Observation
by Nick Hubble
Book Reviews:
Jennifer Birkett, Margaret Storm Jameson: A Life, Pam Hirsch, The Constant Liberal: The Life and Work of Phyllis Bottome reviewed by Alexis Pogorelskin, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Christina Baade, Victory through Harmony: The BBC and Popular Music in World War II reviewed by Ian Whittington, McGill University
Jonathan Goldman, Modernism Is the Literature of Celebrity, Maria Zina Gonçalves de Abreu and Bernardo Guido de Vasconcelos, Editors, Jon Dos Passos: Biography and Critical Essays, reviewed by Victoria M. Bryan, University of Mississippi
Sandeep Parmar, Editor, Hope Mirrlees: Collected Poems reviewed by Lauren Elkin, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Mary Ann Gillies, Helen Sword, and Steven Yao, Editors, Pacific Rim Modernism reviewed by Karen E. H. Skinazi, Princeton University
Santanu Das, Editor, Race, Empire and First World War Writing reviewed by Joanna Scutts, Columbia University
The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945
ISSN 1551-9309
Volume 7, Issue 1, 2011

Artists in Hollywood: Thomas Hart Benton and Nathaniel West Picture America’s Dream Dump
by Erika Doss
Thomas Hart Benton: Painting the Song
by Leo G. Mazow
“That Abused Word: Genre:” The 1930s Genre Painting Revival
by John Fagg
David Hare, Surrealism, and the Comics
by Mona Hadler
A Fruitful Symbiosis: Sculptors and Publishers in Britain Between the Wars
by Valerie Holman
Book Reviews:
Jeff Allred, American Modernism and Depression Documentary reviewed by Paula Rabinowitz, University of Minnesota
Judith L. Sensibar, Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art, A Biography and Sally Wolff, Ledgers of History: William Faulkner, an Almost Forgotten Friendship, and an Antebellum Plantation Diary reviewed by Peter Alan Froehlich, Pennsylvania State University, Hazleton
Catherine Keyser, Playing Smart: New York Women Writers and Modern Magazine Culture reviewed by Faye Hammill, University of Strathclyde
Debra Rae Cohen, Michael Coyle, and Jane Lewty, Editors, Broadcasting Modernism reviewed by Angela Frattarola, Nanyang Technological University
Evelyn Cobley, Modernism and the Culture of Efficiency: Ideology and Fiction reviewed by Seamus O’Malley, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Robin Hackett, Freda Hauser, and Gay Wachman, Editors, At Home and Abroad in the Empire: British Women Write the 1930s reviewed by Ashlie K. Sponenberg, Tulane University
David Welky, The Moguls and the Dictators: Hollywood and the Coming of World War II reviewed by Alexis Pogorelskin, University of Minnesota-Duluth
The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945
ISSN 1551-9309
Volume 6, Issue 1, 2010

Performing in the Holocaust: From Camp Songs to the Song Plays of Germaine Tillion and Charlotte Salomon
by Andrea Loselle
Phyllis Bottome’s The Mortal Storm: Film and Controversy
by Alexis Pogorelskin
Wampum in Ford Madox Ford’s The Good Soldier: A Native American and Modernist Artifact of Place
by Mark D. Larabee
Jordan Baker, Gender Dissent, and Homosexual Passing in The Great Gatsby
by Maggie Gordon Froehlich
The Postman’s Daily Round: English Journeys in 1930s Documentary Film
by Michael McCluskey
Gender, Spectacle, and Machinery: Prix de beauté (1930)
by Lawrence Rainey
Book Reviews:
Judith Brown, Glamour in Six Dimensions: Modernism and the Radiance of Form and Elizabeth Outka, Consuming Traditions: Modernity, Modernism, and the Commodified Authenti reviewed by Catherine Keyser, University of South Carolina
Patrick Deer, Culture in Camouflage: War, Empire, and Modern British Literature reviewed by Claire Buck, Wheaton College
Adam R. Seipp, The Ordeal of Peace: Demobilization and the Urban Experience in Britain and Germany, 1917-1921 reviewed by Douglas Higbee, University of South Carolina, Aiken
Deborah Cohler, Citizen, Invert, Queer: Lesbianism and War in Early Twentieth-Century Britain reviewed by Christina Hauck, Kansas State University
Daniela Caselli, Improper Modernism: Djuna Barnes’s Bewildering Corpus and Alex Goody, Modernist Articulations: A Cultural Study of Djuna Barnes, Mina Loy, and Gertrude Stein and Diane Warren, Djuna Barnes’ Consuming Fictions reviewed by Brian Glavey, University of South Carolina
Anne Veronica Witchard, Thomas Burke’s Dark Chinoiserie: Limehouse Nights and the Queer Spell of Chinatown reviewed by Eugenia Zuroski Jenkins, McMaster University
Petra Rau, English Modernism, National Identity, and the Germans, 1890-1950 reviewed by Yvonne Ivory, University of South Carolina
Phyllis Lassner, Anglo-Jewish Women Writing the Holocaust: Displaced Witnesses and Maren Tova Linett, Modernism, Feminism, and Jewishness reviewed by Alex Goody, Oxford Brookes University
Stephen Katz, Red, Black, and Jew: New Frontiers in Hebrew Literature reviewed by Michael T. Williamson, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Anthony Barnett, Listening for Henry Crowder: A Monograph on His Almost Lost Music, with CD featuring a recording by Henry Crowder of a blues by Nancy Cunard and a new recording of his setting to a poem by Samuel Beckett sung by Allan Harris reviewed by Michael Coyle, Colgate University
Alison Light, Mrs. Woolf and the Servants reviewed by Ann Mattis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Judy Suh, Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Twentieth-Century British Fiction and Mary Grover, The Ordeal of Warwick Deeping: Middlebrow Authorship and Cultural Embarrassment reviewed by Ann Rea, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Ann Ardis and Patrick Collier, Editors, Transatlantic Print Culture, 1880-1940: Emerging Media, Emerging Modernisms and Valerie Holman, Print for Victory: Book Publishing in England 1939-1945 reviewed by Kristin Bluemel, Monmouth University
The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945
ISSN 1551-9309
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2009

Kenneth Burke’s New Deal
by Dries Vrijders
‘Dramatistic to the Core’: Allen Tate and A Grammar of Motives
by M. Elizabeth Weiser
Placing the Poetic Corrective: William Carlos Williams, Kenneth Burke, and the Poetic Imaginary
by Stephen Llano
A Visual Rhetoric of World War I Battlefield Art: C. R. W. Nevinson, Mary Riter Hamilton, and Kenneth Burke’s Scene
by Marguerite Helmers
Book Reviews:
Jeffrey M. Heath, Editor, The Creator as Critic and Other Writings by E. M. Forster and Mary Lago, Linda K. Hughes, and Elizabeth MacLeod Walls, Editors, The BBC Talks of E. M. Forster, 1929-1960: A Selected Edition reviewed by Stuart Christie, Hong Kong Baptist University
Martin Harries’s Forgetting Lot’s Wife: On Destructive Spectatorship reviewed by Jared Stark, Eckerd College
Marina MacKay’s Modernism and World War II and Kristine Miller’s British Literature of the Blitz: Fighting the People’s War reviewed by Phyllis Lassner, Northwestern University
Mary Lynn Stewart’s Dressing Modern Frenchwomen: Marketing Haute Couture, 1919-1939 reviewed by Melissa Bradshaw, DePaul University
Faye Hammill’s Women, Celebrity, and Literary Culture between the Wars reviewed by Catherine Keyser, University of South Carolina
James Aulich and John Hewitt, Seduction or Instruction? First World War Posters in Britain and Europe reviewed by Pearl James, University of Kentucky
Patricia E. Chu’s Race, Nationalism and the State in British and American Modernism reviewed by Srila Nayak, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Loraine Saunders’ The Unsung Artistry of George Orwell: The Novels from Burmese Days to Nineteen Eighty-Four reviewed by Janine Utell, Widener University
Robert H. Brinkmeyer, Jr., The Fourth Ghost: White Southern Writers and European Fascism reviewed by Leigh Anne Duck, University of Memphis
The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945
ISSN 1551-9309
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2008

E.L. Kirchner, Czech Cubism, and Representation of the Spirit in Portraiture, 1915-1918
by Eleanor F. Moseman
Constructions of Comradeship: Ivor Gurney and the British First World War Veterans’ Movement
by Douglas Higbee
“A love so fugitive and so complete:” Recovering the Queer Subtext of Claude McKay’s Harlem Shadows
by Lindsay Tuggle
Counter Discourse: Advertising Technologies and Textual Impact
by Abbie Garrington
The Cost of Myth: Cyril Connolly and “Romanticism”
by Jean-Christophe Murat
Mirrors, TRANS/formation and Slippage in the Five-Way Portrait of Marcel Duchamp
by James W. McManus
Book Reviews:
Richard Godden and Martin Crawford, Editors Reading Southern Poverty between the Wars, 1918-1939 reviewed by Leigh Anne Duck, University of Memphis
Christine Bold’s Writers, Plumbers, and Anarchists: The WPA Writers’ Project in Massachusetts reviewed by J.J. Butts, Hunter College
Andrew E. Kersten’s Labor’s Home Front: The American Federation of Labor during World War II reviewed by Michael Pierce, University of Arkansas
Peter J. Kalliney’s Cities of Affluence and Anger: A Literary Geography of Modern Englishness reviewed by Judy Suh, Duquesne University
Catherine Clay’s British Women Writers 1914-1945: Professional Work and Friendship and Jennifer Poulos Nesbitt’s Narrative Settlements: Geographies of British Women’s Fiction between the Wars reviewed by Janine Utell, Widener University
Michael Cotsell’s The Theater of Trauma: American Modernist Drama and the Psychological Struggle for the American Mind, 1900-1930 reviewed by Sarah Bay-Cheng, SUNY, Buffalo
H.D. (Cynthia Hogue and Julie Vandivere, Editors) The Sword Went Out to Sea: (Synthesis of a Dream), by Delia Alton and Bryher’s The Heart to Artemis: A Writer’s Memoirs reviewed by Cyrena N. Pondrom, University of Wisconsin, Madison
The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945
ISSN 1551-9309
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2007

A Special Topics Issue:
Technology, Media, Culture
Guest Editor: Debra Rae Cohen, University of South Carolina
René Magritte and “The Shop-Window Quality of Things”
by Roger Rothman
Wyndham Lewis’ Theory of Mass Culture
by Charles Sumner
Wireless Women: The “Mass” Retreat of Brighton Rock
by Jeffrey Sconce
The Long Arm of Discipline: South Riding, Documentary Writing, and the Cinematic Gaze
by Ashlie Sponenberg
Cyborgs, Women, and New York Dada
by Alex Goody
Punched-Card Sorters and Rapid Selectors: Information Management Between the Wars
by Jay L. Gordon
Book Reviews:
Patrick Collier’s Modernism on Fleet Street reviewed by Loretta Stec, San Francisco State University
Timothy C. Campbell’s Wireless Writing in the Age of Marconi and Todd Avery’s Radio Modernism: Literature, Ethics, and the BBC, 1922-1938 reviewed by Robin Feenstra, McGill University
Frances Guerin’s A Culture of Light: Cinema and Technology in 1920s Germany reviewed by Robin Murray, Eastern Illinois University
Michael North’s Camera Works: Photography and the Twentieth-Century Word reviewed by Robert Cochran, University of Arkansas
Elizabeth Otto’s Tempo, Tempo! The Bauhaus Photomontages of Marianne Brandt reviewed by Rachel Epp Buller, Independent Scholar, Newton, KS
The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945
ISSN 1551-9309
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2006

Modern Enchantments: The Canny Wonders and Uncanny Others of H. P. Lovecraft
by Michael Saler
“The Poetry That Dare Not Speak its Name”: Modernist Aesthetic in the Case of Lord Alfred Douglas and Marie Carmichael Stopes
by Christina Hauck
Keith Douglas, Isaac Rosenberg, and Edmund Blunden
by Dawn Bellamy
The Unburiable: Death Ritual in Osbert Sitwell’s Poetry of the Great War
by Janine Utell
H. D.’s Palimpsest: The Work of the “Advance-Guard” in a History of Trauma
by Cheryl Hindrichs
Writing Projects: New Deal Guidebooks, Community, and Housing Reform in New York City
by J. J. Butts
Book Reviews:
Stan Smith’s Irish Poetry and the Construction of Modern Identity: Ireland between Fantasy and History reviewed by Michael Coyle, Colgate University
Lawrence Rainey’s Revisiting The Waste Land reviewed by David Chinitz, Loyola University Chicago
Romana Huk’s Stevie Smith: Between the Lines reviewed by Kristin Bluemel, Monmouth University
Christopher Murray’s Sean O’Casey, Writer at Work: A Biography reviewed by Steve Cloutier, St. Mary’s University, Canada
Wendy Pollard’s Rosamond Lehmann and Her Critics: The Vagaries of Literary Reception reviewed by Phyllis Lassner, Northwestern University
The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945
ISSN 1551-9309
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2005

Serious Play: Games in Twentieth-Century Modernism
by Claudia Mesch
A Portrait of the Artist as Landscape: F. H. Varley and A. M. Klein
by Liisa Stephenson
Storm Jameson’s No Time Like the Present: The Expatriat in Patria
by Nattie Gulobov
Aesthetics, Politics, and the Other: Toward an Ethical Theory of Art in Christopher Isherwood’s Prater Violet
by Jamie Carr
Clothing the Soviet Mechanical-Flâneuse
by Jon Cockburn
Book Reviews:
Jed Esty’s A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England and Jane Garrity’s Step-Daughters of England: British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary reviewed by Ashlie Sponenberg, CUNY
David E. Chinitz’s T. S. Eliot and the Cultural Divide reviewed by Christina Hauck, Kansas State University
Phyllis Lassner’s Colonial Strangers: Women Writing the End of the British Empire reviewed by Mary Anne Schofield, Villanova University
Keith Perry’s The Kingfish in Fiction: Huey P. Long and the Modern American Novel reviewed by Robert H. Brinkmeyer, University of Arkansas
Precursors and Aftermaths:
Literature in English, 1914-1945
ISSN 1542-8109
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2004
Ezra Pound at St. Elizabeth’s
by Leon Surette
Making the New: Literary Periodicals and the Construction of Modernism
by Peter Marks
A Balloon Filled With Verbal Gas: Blather and the Irish Ready-Made School
by Joe Brooker
British Modernism and Dark Humor
by Lisa Colletta
Between the Real and Really Made Up: Mimetic Strategies in Dan Billany’s Wartime Novel The Trap
by Paul Skrebels
Book Reviews:
Bonnie Kime Scott’s edition of the Selected Letters of Rebecca West reviewed by Loretta Stec
Michael T. Saler’s The Avant-Garde in Interwar England: Medieval Modernism and the London Underground reviewed by Kristin Bluemel
Precursors and Aftermaths:
Literature in English, 1914-1945
ISSN 1542-8109
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2000

Modernists Passing the Buck: Orientals, Middlebrows, and the Good Earth
by Jamie Harker
Lilied Tongues and Yellow Claws: The Invention of Limehouse, London’s Chinatown, 1914-1945
by Shannon Case
Modern Knowledge and Ford’s Modern Novel
by Sara Haslam
Writing the Nation at War: George Orwell, Alan Ross, and Sidney Keyes
by Adam Piette
The Undiscovered Country, From Whose Bourn…: Shakespeare and Conrad in Frederic Manning’s Great War
by Mark A. R. Facknitz
Book Reviews:
Patrick Deane’s History in Our Hands: A Critical Anthology of Writings on Literature, Culture, and Politics from the 1930s reviewed by Patrick Quinn