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Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Our strong school partnerships and extensive clinical experiences, including a state-leading year-long experience, set us apart.

About the Department

The mission of the Monmouth University’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction is to provide quality undergraduate and graduate programs for future and practicing teachers. Each of our programs is designed to help our students make a difference in the lives of young children.

The department is distinguished by extensive clinical experiences that occur through strong school partnerships. Recently, we have emerged as a state leader in implementing the year long teaching experience. Current faculty scholarship includes work on STEM education, the paper microscope, adolescent and family literacy, reading recovery, improving home-school connections, teacher candidate development, child and adolescent development, the foundations of education, culturally responsive pedagogical practices, and English as a Second Language instruction. Teacher preparation programs in the Curriculum and Instruction Department are accredited through the Council for the Accreditation of Educational Professionals (CAEP).