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Meet Our PAL Leaders for Spring 2024

Cecilia Aversano

Major/Minor: Nursing

PAL Course:  BY112 Anatomy and Physiology II

PAL Professor: Professor Weisburg

Fun Fact: I used to be a competitive Irish dancer!

Study tips for this course:  Be confident in what you know, stay well managed with your time, and never be afraid to ask for help.

Maddison Beahm

Major/Minor: Biology

PAL Course:  BY223 General Microbiology

PAL Professor: Professor Lionetti

Fun Fact: I have a pet bunny named Bentley.

Study tips for this course:  Create your own study guide based on the notes you take in class to help for exams!

Gianna Benicaso

Major/Minor: Nursing

PAL Course:  BY112 Anatomy and Physiology II

PAL Professor: Professor Weisburg

Fun Fact: I have a fraternal twin who is a radiology major at Middlesex College.

Study tips for this course:  Do not write down everything your professor is saying during the class. Have either a digital or physical copy of the powerpoint slides available for the lecture for you to highlight and take additional notes on. Create quizlets or flashcards and study with others. Sometimes other classmates may have a better of understanding certain topics you do not understand, and you may have a better understanding of material that your classmates may not. Don’t stress too much, you got this!

Jonna Buono

Major/Minor: Biology with a Concentration in Molecular Cell Physiology

PAL Course:  CE112 General Chemistry II

PAL Professor: Professor Szwajkajzer

Fun Fact: I love listening to music, reading, & traveling!

Study tips for this course:  Practice makes perfect – redo the homework problems over & over. Pay close attention in class. Don’t wait until the last minute to study!

Jonna Buono

Renee Burns

Major/Minor: Business Administration with a Concentration in Accounting

PAL Course:  MA117 Quantitative Analysis for Business I

PAL Professor: Professor Palsu-Andriescu

Fun Fact: I’m on the Monmouth Dance Team!

Study tips for this course:  Make sure you stay on top of the due dates for your assignments and set aside time to study the material prior to exams! 

Renee Burns

Leila Carl

Major/Minor:  Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing and Management

PAL Course:  BE201 Microeconomics

PAL Professor: Professor Sharma

Fun Fact:  I love to read, draw, and go to the beach.

Study tips for this course:  Definitely attend class, pay attention, and take notes!! Make sure you are never afraid to ask questions and stay on top of the material!

Leila Carl

Olivia Confrey

Major/Minor:  Biology MCP

PAL Course:  BY110 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology

PAL Professor: Professor Lionetti/Professor Zhu

Fun Fact:  I love solving rubix cubes!

Study tips for this course:  As long as you put in the work and effort you will be great! Do not overthink and be confident in your abilities.

Olivia Confrey

Shannon Danulevith

Major/Minor:  Nursing

PAL Course:  NU325 Medical Surgical Nursing I

PAL Professor: Professor Amburg

Fun Fact:  I’m from Long Island!

Study tips for this course:  Pay attention and take notes during class! Creating index cards each week and reviewing them daily will help you retain the information!

Shannon Danulevith

Makenzie DeFalco

Major/Minor:  Nursing

PAL Course:  BY112 Anatomy and Physiology II

PAL Professor: Professor Weisburg

Fun Fact:  I love the beach!

Study tips for this course:  Stay organized, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and be confident with yourself!

Olivia Denney

Major/Minor:  Business Administration with a Concentration in Accounting/Minor in Spanish for Business

PAL Course: BA200 Survey of Accounting/BA251 Accounting I

PAL Professor: Professor O’Connor/Professor Hopkins

Fun Fact:  I am a triplet!

Study tips for this course:  Survey of Accounting: attend class always, and take notes. Accounting I: do all of the homework, ask questions, and pay attention always in class. 

Olivia Denney

Abby Eck

Major/Minor:  Math and Statistics

PAL Course: MA151 Statistics with Applications, MA320 Probability & Statistics, MA350 Computing & Statistics

PAL Professor: Professor Marshall/Professor McNamara, Professor Bastion, Professor McNamara

Fun Fact:  I’m on the sailing team.

Study tips for this course:  Don’t wait until the last minute to complete your homework.

Abby Eck

Olivia Fanelli

Major/Minor:  Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy

PAL Course: BY109 Introduction to Biodiversity and Evolution

PAL Professor: Professors Bridge, Sullivan, Sterrett, Rieder, Polishook

Fun Fact:  I play on the women’s lacrosse team.

Study tips for this course:  Use all the resources you can!

Jenna Farkas

Major/Minor: Business Administration with a Concentration in Operations, Supply Chain, and Data Management

PAL Course: BE/BF304 Money, Credit and Financial Institutions

PAL Professor: Professor Roberts

Fun Fact: I race go karts!

Study tips for this course: Listen to the lectures and take your own notes. Treat the quizzes like tests to make sure you know the material!

JD Fonseca

PAL Course: CE112 General Chemistry II

PAL Professor: Professor Dornemann

Fun Fact: I graduated from Rutgers back in May ’22 and I am taking the science courses here for medical school since its closer to home! Another fun fact is that I had to memorize We Didn’t Start the Fire-Billy Joel, for an A in history back in high school!

Study tips for this course: You can’t beat practice problems! Whether they are from the book or a dynamic module that Pearson offers with the text, or even videos online like Organic Chem Tutor from YT, they are all really great resources!

JD Fonseca

Julianna Ganim

Major/Minor:  Health Science/Biology

PAL Course: BY212 Physiology with Anatomy II

PAL Professor:  Professor Dunphy

Fun Fact:  I love coffee!

Study tips for this course:  Make friends with your classmates! This way you guys can bounce study tips off one another. Always stay organized and on top of the material, and never be shy to ask for help 🙂

Julianna Ganim

Madisyn Goias

Major/Minor:  Health Studies with Specialization in Exercise Science

PAL Course: BY212 Physiology with Anatomy II

PAL Professor:  Professor Dunphy

Fun Fact:  I love to travel!

Study tips for this course:  Don’t wait to ask for help, make friends with your classmates, and work to understand the material opposed to memorizing it!

Madisyn Goias

Thomas Hintelmann

Major/Minor:  Chemistry

PAL Course: CE112 General Chemistry II

PAL Professor:  Professor Szwajkajzer

Fun Fact:  I do research in a laboratory.

Study tips for this course:  Never push anything off to the last minute, this content needs time to sink in.

Thomas Hintelmann

Malea Horn Attanasio

Major/Minor:  Mathematics with a Concentration in Statistics

PAL Course: MA109 Pre-Calculus

PAL Professor:  Professor Marshall

Fun Fact:  My favorite food is sushi.

Study tips for this course:  Practice makes perfect.

Paige Hyde

Major/Minor: Health Studies/Minor in Communication Sciences and Disorders

PAL Course:  BY212 Physiology with Anatomy II

PAL Professor:  Professor Dunphy

Fun Fact:  I’m passionate about fitness/wellness and creativity/art!!

Study tips for this course: Know what will likely be discussed that day to a good extent prior to class so that it is more of a review or clarification. Do just a little bit more than you think you need to, it is a commitment if you want a good grade but totally achievable! PALs and Dr. Dunphy are here to help, but also get close with your classmates and re-teach the material to each other 🙂

Paige Hyde

Xiao (Alicia) Li

Major/Minor: Chemistry and Medical Lab Science

PAL Course:  CE11R General Chemistry II Recitation

PAL Professor:  Professor Szwajkajzer

Fun Fact:  I love cats!

Study tips for this course: Avoid studying materials last minute, as many materials require time to thoroughly understand them. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your classmates, professors, or anyone for assistance. Forming study groups, practicing problems, and dedicating time to consistently practice will really enhance your understanding of the subject. The more practice problems you do, the more proficient you’ll become at mastering them!

Matthew Jacobs

Major/Minor: Business Administration with a Concentration in Finance

PAL Course:  BA252 Principles of Managerial Accounting

PAL Professor:  Professor Yu

Fun Fact:  I like to cook.

Study tips for this course: Take notes of your mistakes on homework and activities to review later.

Macklin Jugan

Major/Minor: Chemistry with a Concentration in Biochemistry

PAL Course:  BY110 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology

PAL Professor:  Professor

Fun Fact:  I like sports.

Study tips for this course: Repetition with the material is helpful.

Macklin Jugan

Ceciliah Leininger

Major/Minor: English with a Minor in Environmental Biology

PAL Course:  BY110 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology, BY214 Botany

PAL Professor: Professor Pesce, Professor Daneshgar

Fun Fact: I’m the Lifestyles editor for The Outlook!

Study tips for this course: For both courses, repetition is key! Use active recall to remember key pieces of information and write down what you can’t remember over and over again until it sticks in your brain.

Claudio Lopez

Major/Minor: Business Administration with a Concentration in Finance and Real Estate

PAL Course:  BE/BF304 Money, Credit & Financial Institutions

PAL Professor: Professor Roberts

Fun Fact: I love philosophy, soccer, traveling and beaches.

Study tips for this course: Always pay attention in class, and if the professor mentions something more than once it is probably important to the class.

Claudio Lopez

Ivana Luna

Major/Minor: Business Administration with a Concentration in Finance and Economics and a Minor in Information Technology

PAL Course:  BE202 Macroeconomics

PAL Professor: Professor Boonman

Fun Fact: I love to travel!!

Study tips for this course: I recommend studying with friends and working on practice problems together to get extra support within the course!!

Julia Macey

Major/Minor: Psychology and Sociology

PAL Course: PY311 Research II: Behavioral Statistics

PAL Professor: Professor Lewandowski

Fun Fact:  I love to dance!

Study tips for this course: Keep up with the study guide!!

Julia Macey

Jessica Maguire

Major/Minor: Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy

PAL Course: BY109 Introduction to Biodiversity and Evolution

PAL Professor: Professor Bridge, Professor Reider

Fun Fact:  I do shark research!

Study tips for this course: Making physical flash cards is actually a great way to memorize topics in this course. You are not only memorizing the topics when you flip through the cards, but you’re also writing them down which is proven to improve memory!

Emily Manfredi

Major/Minor: Health Studies Exercise Science

PAL Course:   BY112 Anatomy and Physiology II

PAL Professor: Professor Gemmell

Fun Fact:  I can do over 10 strict pull-ups!

Study tips for this course: In lecture, be sure to take detailed and organized notes so that you are able to go back to them when you study. For Lab, I recommend drawing out the system and rewriting the material you need to memorize. In addition, the text book is helpful for this course!

Felipe Marcal

Major/Minor: Biology/Math

PAL Course:   CE112 General Chemistry II

PAL Professor: Professor Brown

Fun Fact:  I LOVE math based sciences.

Study tips for this course: The best way to go about this course is to pay attention to everything the professor is going over in class and try to recognize what topics/parts that you don’t understand. And, most importantly, ask questions about what you don’t understand to your professor, tutors, or PAL leaders until you’re truly able to resolve the problems yourself. If you know you don’t understand something, don’t let it slide.

Cielo Marrero

Major/Minor: Health Promotion/Public Health

PAL Course:   BY112 Anatomy and Physiology II

PAL Professor: Professor Gemmel

Fun Fact:  I love taking pictures with my film camera.

Study tips for this course: Be organized, ask for help, plan ahead for tests/quizzes/exams.

Jaclyn Martinelli

Major/Minor: Health Science

PAL Course:   BY110 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology

PAL Professor: Professor Tortorelli, Professor Kerr

Fun Fact:  I am on the cross country and track and field team.

Study tips for this course: Focus on understanding concepts over memorization, finish assignments on time, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Marie Mauro

Major/Minor: Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy/Geographical Information Systems

PAL Course:   BY110 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology

PAL Professor: Professor Rhoads

Fun Fact:  I am the president of 5678 Dance Club!

Study tips for this course: Taking notes is very important and do not just copy the slides but listen to what your professor is saying. Read the textbook and study quizzes. Prepare in advanced for multi-chapter tests.

Marie Mauro

Mackenzie McDonald

Major/Minor: Masters in Social Work, Global and Community Practice (GCP) specialization

PAL Course:   SW412 Practice Evaluation in Social Work

PAL Professor: Professor Scott

Fun Fact:  I love to read!! 📚

Study tips for this course: Reach out when you need help! This can be a challenging course but there are plenty of resources out there to help you be successful so please reach out when you have questions or are confused on a topic! Also stay up to date with the readings, which will help you with your research!

Mackenzie McDonald

Alice Mesonzhnik

Major/Minor: Psychology

PAL Course: PY311 Research II: Behavioral Statistics and Laboratory

PAL Professor: Professor Van Volkom

Fun Fact: I speak Russian!

Study tips for this course: Use Kahoot and/or Quizlet to help memorize important items.

Kyle Mueller

Major/Minor: Chemistry with a Concentration in Advanced Chemistry (ACS)/ Biology

PAL Course:   CE112R General Chemistry II Recitation

PAL Professor: Professor Burrows

Fun Fact:  I love to golf.

Study tips for this course: Do lots of practice problems. The more you do, the easier topics will become!

Kyle Mueller

Joseph Myers

Major/Minor: Psychology

PAL Course:   PY320 Research III: Experimental Methods and Laboratory

PAL Professor: Professor Van Volkom

Fun Fact:  I have a boating license.

Study tips for this course: Don’t ever hesitate to ask for help, and make sure to manage your time properly.

Joseph Myers

Jack Neri

Major/Minor:  Business Administration with a Concentration in Finance and Real Estate

PAL Course:  BF301 Principles of Finance

PAL Professor: Professor Boonman

Fun Fact:  I am ambidextrous.

Study tips for this course:  Study your notes, and review the practice problems in class.

Jack Neri

Courtney Nuzzolo

Major/Minor: Health Studies with a Minor in Business Administration

PAL Course:  CE112R General Chemistry II Recitation

PAL Professor: Professor Burrows

Fun Fact: I work at Rook Coffee in Long Branch!

Study tips for this course: Always ask for help as soon as you feel you’re having difficulty with the subject.

Courtney Nuzzolo

Patrick Orapello

Major/Minor: Accounting

PAL Course: BA251 Accounting I

PAL Professor: Professor DelPo

Fun Fact: I am a member of the men’s lacrosse team.

Study tips for this course: Always stay on top of the material. It is very important since it all builds on top of each other.

Katelyn Phillips

Major/Minor: Psychology, Sociology and Childhood Studies Minor

PAL Course:  PY320 Research III: Experimental Methods and Laboratory

PAL Professor: Professor Ciarocco

Fun Fact: I am a part of the GDL research team on campus!

Study tips for this course: Pay attention during class and ask for help when you need it! Fully understanding the course material will make a difference when entering the next three research courses!

Katelyn Phillips

Julia Rice

Major/Minor: Biology

PAL Course:  BY216 Introduction to Genetics

PAL Professor: Professor Ananda

Fun Fact: I love scuba diving around the world!

Study tips for this course: Use the in class lectures and examples as key study material, a lot of teaching on the white board in class goes a long way for later on when preparing for the exam!

Maxwell Rosen

Major/Minor: Biology/Minor in Chemistry

PAL Course:  BY223 General Microbiology

PAL Professor: Professor Lionetti

Fun Fact: I will be attending dental school at Rutgers in the fall.

Study tips for this course: Make sure you attend as many lectures as you can and take your own notes. They will be useful when studying for the exams.

Brianna Rubio

Major/Minor:  Health Studies with a Specialization in Exercise Science

PAL Course: BY112 Anatomy and Physiology II

PAL Professor: Professor Vengelis

Fun Fact:  I’m a twin.

Study tips for this course: Create quizlets and form study groups with other students in the class!

Ava Santaniello

Major/Minor:  Biology

PAL Course: BY110 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology

PAL Professor: Professor Lionetti/Doss-Pepe

Fun Fact:  I am from Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Study tips for this course: Understand the concepts well and don’t wait until the last minute to study!

Ava Santaniello

Nico Santorelli

Major/Minor:  Health Science/Chemistry

PAL Course:  CE112 General Chemistry II

PAL Professor: Professor Ouellet

Fun Fact: I am a certified EMT!

Study tips for this course:  Each chapter in chemistry builds on the previous chapter, so make sure you understand the material and don’t fall behind!

Nico Santorelli

Kaashif Shaik

Major/Minor:  Biology/Computer Science

PAL Course:  MA151 Statistics with Applications

PAL Professor: Professor Teehan

Fun Fact: I have always wanted to visit Dubai.

Study tips for this course:  Review formulas and look over notes. Studying for math is different it only comes with practice and being exposed to different problems.

Rachel Strazdins

Major/Minor: Chemistry with a Concentration in Biochemistry

PAL Course:  CE112 General Chemistry II

PAL Professor: Professor Ouellet

Fun Fact: I’m a black belt in karate and on the Monmouth Women’s Lacrosse team.

Study tips for this course: Do the practice problems!

Rachel Strazdins

Alessandra Tortora

Major/Minor:  Health Studies/Communication Science Disorders

PAL Course:  CE112 General Chemistry II

PAL Professor: Professor Szwajkajzer

Fun Fact: I plan to travel when I finish school.

Study tips for this course:  Always take advantage of extra help, use in-class and outside-class resources to study, and put the time in. Creating a set schedule can help and never put off work until the last minute!

Alessandra Tortora

Rachel Van Dalinda

Major/Minor:  Business Administration

PAL Course:  BE202 Macroeconomics

PAL Professor: Professor Mastromarino

Fun Fact:  My favorite color is orange!

Study tips for this course:  Take good notes and pay attention during lectures! Be sure to keep up with the homework to avoid falling behind in each week’s lessons.

Rachel Van Dalinda

Anastasia Vasilakis

Major/Minor:  Nursing

PAL Course:  BY112 Anatomy and Physiology II

PAL Professor: Professor Rada

Fun Fact:  I swim for the Monmouth swim team.

Study tips for this course:  Take notes and create a study guide. When it comes to lab practice makes perfect.

Kylie Watson

Major/Minor:  Nursing

PAL Course:  NU325 Medical Surgical Nursing I

PAL Professor: Professor Amburg

Fun Fact:  I love to read and travel.

Study tips for this course:  Always stay on top of the content and study consistently to absorb the information better!

Kylie Watson

Adriana Zefutie

Major/Minor:  Psychology

PAL Course:  PY220 Research I: Methods and Basic Data Analysis Laboratory

PAL Professor: Professor Greenspoon

Fun Fact:  I’ve been a drummer for over 10 years!

Study tips for this course:  I’d say the best advice would be to ask for help and learn time management, especially when writing.