First Generation Student Support

Continue to Soar

We have an impressive number of first-generation students who chose Monmouth – nearly 40% of incoming undergraduates. 

Our first-generation student support initiatives are designed to connect you with exceptional student success resources and a caring campus community to guide you on your journey to degree completion and beyond. 

Our efforts have been nationally recognized earning Monmouth a designation as a First-gen Forward Institution for demonstrating a commitment to improving experiences and advancing outcomes of first-generation college students.

What is a First-Generation Student?

First-generation college students can be defined as the first member of their family to attend college or whose parents/guardians may have some college experience but have not attained a baccalaureate degree (in the U.S.).

First to Fly

The First to Fly Mentor Community is a campus-wide network of faculty and employees who make themselves available to support first-generation students at Monmouth in various forms of mentoring. Established in spring 2019, The First to Fly Student Organization is the student club for anyone interested in building community by connecting with other first-gen students.

Interested in the First to Fly Program?

Call Us
(732) 263-5668

Follow First to Fly

First-Gen Advising

Individual and small-group advising support is available in-person and virtually throughout each semester of the academic year by appointment on Accudemia.

This personalized academic advising is offered to help first-gen students leverage their academic assets, connect students to academic success resources, and assist in navigating academic challenges students may encounter.

More to Explore

First-Gen Advising

To schedule an appointment – access the Accudemia site and select the First to Fly – First Generation Student Support Option.

Monmouth Family Connection

A resource for families to stay involved with students at Monmouth University. Get access to important campus news, and deadlines, newsletters, email announcements, and more.