Modifications to Campus Dining and Some Accommodations for Student Access to Technology

Dear Students:

Earlier today, Gov. Phil Murphy signed an executive order directing all New Jersey residents to stay home until further notice. Additionally, State Police Colonel Patrick Callahan issued an Administrative Order directing the immediate closure of all college and university libraries and computer labs until further notice.

In response to this most recent guidance, we have had to modify some of the planned accommodations for student access to technology and our campus dining operation. Specifically, we have closed the Guggenheim Memorial Library, as well as all computer labs on campus, and have limited campus food services.

I recognize that some of you were relying on the use of campus computer labs and technology centers to participate in remote learning and instruction. If you are a student who has been adversely affected by this change, i.e., you are unable to participate in remote coursework as a result of these changes, please contact me via email at Please include a call-back number in your email.

Additionally, we have had to significantly curtail our dining operation. On-campus food service, limited to grab-and-go, will be available only to those students who have a meal plan and who have been granted permission to reside in University housing during this remote instruction and learning period. We will not be able to accommodate commuter students who have meal plans at this time. If you have questions about these changes, please contact me via email at Please include a call-back number in your email.

I realize there are many questions about longer-term planning and implications for the remainder of the semester. You can expect to hear more from University Administration in the coming days and weeks as that information becomes available.

Mary Anne Nagy
Vice President for Student Life and Leadership Engagement