Library Book Request & Pickup Service Now Available

Dear colleagues and students,

The Guggenheim Memorial Library is pleased to take a first step in the return to operating with a Book Request & Contactless Pickup Service. This service is available to Monmouth University students, faculty, and staff using your MU username and password. The Library building remains closed. Please follow the instructions, below:

  • We will begin to accept requests TODAY,  Monday, July 6, 2020.
  • This service is for books and other media in the library’s circulating, print collections.
  • Please use the library catalog ( to search for what you would like to request.
  • On the item screen in the catalog, click “Bookmark link for this record” and copy the URL in the browser address window. It will look like: We can only accept requests that include this link to the catalog record.
  • Go to the “Book Request Form” and complete it.
  • You will be contacted by library staff to confirm a pickup date and time.
  • Library materials may be returned ONLY to the book return box at the entrance to the Health Center-Birch Hall. We cannot accept returned library materials in any other way.

Pickup will be in the parking lot next to the library (Lot 20). You must remain in your vehicle at all times. The library building is not open at this time, except for a small number of staff operating this service. Your books will be brought out to you.

We ask that you please allow 24 hours between your request and your scheduled pickup. We appreciate your patience as we begin this service and navigate the inevitable unforeseen challenges. We are committed to providing you with the library materials that you need and will do everything possible to facilitate your requests with everyone’s health and safety in mind.

For questions, please contact me at

Kurt W. Wagner
University Librarian