To the members of the University Community:
I am writing today to share some important information regarding Covid health protocols on campus. Since the announcement by the President last week regarding Covid health protocols for the fall, there have been several questions regarding the protocols and when they begin. I hope that this communication will help clarify these points.
Masking: Effective immediately, all fully vaccinated members of our community are welcome to remove their masks while inside a building. Unvaccinated members of the community should continue to wear a mask while inside. ALL members of the community are welcomed to remove their masks while outside. As per the President’s memo, masks should continue to be worn in the classroom, lab, teaching space, and Library for all members of the community regardless of vaccination status. Individual faculty and support staff may also require people visiting their offices to be masked as well. Please be respectful of such requests. If an office is requesting a mask to be worn, please post that information in a visible location and have extra masks readily available for distribution as required. You may contact the Office of Student Life at 732-571-3417 and we will be happy to provide you with a supply of masks.
Social Distancing: While not required under the recent Executive Order 242, the University will try, when possible, to maintain 3 feet of social distancing wherever in-person instruction is taking place on campus. Again, individual faculty or support staff may also require those visiting their offices to adhere to the 3 feet social distance standard. Please communicate this expectation accordingly for those visiting these areas.
Meetings and Gatherings: Since gathering limits indoors and out have been lifted in the State of New Jersey, many on campus have been asking if meetings and other such gatherings can now occur at the University. Individuals and departments are welcome to schedule in person meetings and gatherings as appropriate on campus, respecting of course all current and prevailing health and safety protocols . Please contact the Office of Central Scheduling or utilize the campus EMS system to reserve your desired room or facility.
I hope this information is helpful to you as you plan for the rest of the summer and fall semester. Please continue to monitor your email account for additional updates on this important topic.
Mary Anne
Mary Anne Nagy
Vice President for Student Life and Leadership Engagement