Fall 2022 Revised Travel Policy

Dear University Community:

As we continue through the Fall 2022 semester and resume our regular activities, I want to remind you of travel guidelines in place that may impact members of our community as they relate to COVID -19.

These policies apply to all staff, faculty, and students participating in all University-funded and/or University-sponsored travel, as well as personal travel, with the exception of those traveling as part of NCAA athletics competition requirements (athletic competition travel guided by conference rules).

While these travel policies have been developed in response to questions about University-funded and/or University-sponsored travel, all members of the University community who travel outside of the State of New Jersey, for personal travel must adhere to the same Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) guidelines in place at the time of travel.

Monmouth University Domestic Travel Policy Specific to COVID-19:

Domestic Travel Policy

  • Travel will be permitted as long as all appropriate approvals (dean, department chair, director, general counsel, etc.) are in place prior to travel taking place.
  • It is recommended to get a viral test if you travel to areas with a greater risk of exposure.  Please consult the Center for Disease Control travel guidelines.  A positive test will require five (5) days of isolation. The date of the positive test is considered to be day zero. Isolation may end on day six (6) as long as you either have no symptoms or your symptoms are greatly improving.  You must continue to wear a well-fitted mask for five (5) additional days, meaning day six (6) through day ten (10).
  • If you are a direct contact of a positive case, you should get tested as soon as possible and again on day five (5) after exposure if you remain without symptoms.  You will need to test sooner if you develop symptoms.

Monmouth University International Travel Policy Specific to COVID-19:

  • Individual travel will be permitted as long as all appropriate approvals (dean, department chair, director, general counsel, etc.) are in place prior to travel taking place.
  • International travel with students will be permitted as long as all appropriate approvals are in place.
  • In response to global travel restrictions Monmouth University will require all participants in sponsored international travel programs or engaged in other University business comply with the University’s COVID 19 vaccination policy and the international host organization’s policy.  Please note that a Monmouth University approved exemption to the Covid-19 vaccination may not apply at the host institution or satisfy the location’s entry requirements.  Students must comply with all program and country-specific restrictions and policies.
  • Given the current complexity of international travel, it is highly recommended to be up-to-date with COVID vaccinations. Up-to-date means that you have received your primary series plus you have received the new bivalent booster dose.
  • International students need to be fully vaccinated with the primary series of an accepted COVID19 vaccination to travel to the United States by plane.
  • Individuals must follow all applicable CDC guidelines for international travel including pre and post travel testing regardless of vaccination status.
  • It is recommended that members of the community get tested with a viral test three (3) to five (5) days after arrival in the United States.
  • Please contact the Global Education Office for assistance at geo@monmouth.edu

If you need further assistance or clarification, please contact your supervisor, the Office of the Provost, the Office of Student Life, Office of Global Education, or the Office of Human Resources.