COVID-19 Information:  Updated Protocols

Vaccinations and Boosters

Monmouth University requires all students, staff and faculty to complete the primary series of the COVID-19 vaccination and stay up-to-date with COVID vaccination boosters when eligible. 

All students regardless of age, taking on-campus or hybrid courses need to be COVID-19 vaccinated and remain up-to-date with COVID vaccinations. 

In order to remain up-to-date with the COVID vaccination, the CDC is recommending anyone aged 12 years and older receive a single dose of a COVID bivalent booster dose (new booster dose) at least 2 months after completion of the primary series or receipt of a monovalent booster dose (“old” booster dose).

Persons who have recently had COVID may consider delaying any COVID vaccination including bivalent booster vaccination by 3 months from symptom onset or positive test.

As applicable, persons may file for medical or religious exemption for COVID vaccination.  The COVID Exemption form is on the Forms tab in the Health Portal.  Select type of exemption from the pull-down arrow and submit.

Students in academic programs that include clinical rotations/ internships are subject to the COVID-19 vaccination requirements and related policies of the third-party clinical site.  Students unable to adhere to policies of the clinical partner affiliate, may have their clinical experience compromised.  The University will attempt to work to accommodate such students but cannot guarantee that other clinical experiences will be available.  If this occurs, the student may be unable to successfully complete the course.


Monmouth University maintains a campus-wide mask optional policy for indoor spaces, including classrooms. Individual faculty and office staff may request – but not require – masking in their respective classrooms and office spaces. It is important that we all respect and support the decisions made by each other in this regard.

Masks are required when entering the Health Center.  In New Jersey, masking is required at all health facilities.  Please remember to bring a mask with you when visiting the Health Center or any health facility in the nearby community.

Depending on risk levels in the future, the indoor mask requirement may be reinstated or other restrictions, as needed.


In accordance with CDC guidelines, the University is no longer conducting surveillance testing.  We continue to test symptomatic individuals at the Health Center.  COVID-19 rapid antigen and rapid molecular assay testing are available at the Health Center at no cost.  Anyone exhibiting symptoms, even mild symptoms, needs to test as soon as possible – either through a home test, outside facility or through Health Services.

Persons requesting or needing a PCR test will have the test sent to an outside laboratory for processing.  The lab fee is billed to the person’s health insurance with uncovered expenses billed directly to the student/employee by the lab.

If You Test Positive: Next Steps

Anyone who tests positive – even through a home test –MUST report their test results to Health Services within 24 hours and provide proof of the positive test.  To report a positive test:  call Health Services at 732-571-3464 and/or email:

  • You will receive an isolation email from Health Services outlining the time frame and conditions for isolation and release.
  • Students:A member of the Response Team will notify your professors of your absence.
    • You are responsible for notifying your direct contacts (See Direct Contacts).
  • Employees:  Human Resources will be notified.
    • You will be directed to complete an Etrieve form to identify any direct contacts on campus (See Direct Contacts).
  • You must isolate for at least 5 full days from the date of the positive COVID-19 test.
    • Date of positive test is considered to be day zero (0).
  • Students are NOT to attend in-person class, clinicals, practice, work, internships or social events during the isolation period. 
  • Employees are NOT to report to in-person work.


  • You will receive an email from Health Services with conditions of your release on day 6.
    • You may be released on day 6 as long as you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and your symptoms are improving.
  • You need to remain masked at all times when around others during days 6 to 10
  • Your mask should be a well-fitted mask, preferably a KN95 or N95.
  • On day 11 you can unmask and return to normal activities. 

If You are a Direct Contact: Next Steps

  • A direct contact is anyone with whom you have been within 6 feet for a cumulative period of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period within the last 2 days—masked or unmasked.
  • If you are identified/notified that you are a direct contact:  monitor for symptoms daily.
  • Wear a mask for 10 days after last exposure
  • If you remain without symptoms, test at day 5.
    • Testing earlier than day 5 may result in a premature negative test. 
  • If symptoms develop:  mask, self-isolate and get tested immediately. 

Steps to Staying Healthy

  • Stay Up-to-Date with COVID vaccinations and boosters.
  • Conduct good hand hygiene by frequent hand washing and/or use of hand sanitizers.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid or be masked at high risk activities such as crowded in-door events.
  • Get a seasonal flu vaccine. COVID-19 Information:  Updated Protocols