Welcome Families and Caregivers!
Thank you for checking in with the CONNECTWELLMU website.
This website is here to make it easier to navigate the variety of campus, local, and national resources available to support your health and wellness.
Please select a topic to see related resources, both on and off campus.
If you would like more information about a topic or resource to support your health and wellness please let us know through the “Make a Request for Resources/Suggestion” link below. If you would like to contribute content let us know that too!
Please keep in mind that things move quickly here at Monmouth which could result in some links being broken, feel free to use the “Make a Request” button below to inform us of broken links as well.
This website will be updated periodically. Stay healthy and stay connected!
Please keep in mind that all information displayed on this site may be impacted by COVID-19. We suggest keeping up-to-date with MU’s reopening plans and NJ state’s Coronavirus Information Hub