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Is the garden organic?

The community garden strives to be organic. We try to cultivate the soil and raise crops in ways to keep the soil alive and in good health in a sustainable eco -friendly environment. Our gardeners avoid using synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and use natural chemicals and products derived from natural sources – using only those products approved by ORMI (Organic Materials Review Institute). For more information, refer to “Community Garden Program Organic Guidelines”.

What kinds of tools, equipment and supplies are available at the garden?

A variety of hand tools, gloves, pails, kneeling pads and shovels are available in the shed. Please clean after use and return to the shed. Wheel barrels are available; please turn over when finished to avoid the collection of rainwater. Hoses are located throughout the garden, coil and return to the posts when done.

Can I leave a sprinkler or soaker hose on if I am not present?

Sprinklers and soaker hoses may only be used when the gardener is present. Please conserve water. Water from the rain barrel may be used for hand watering, and watering cans are available. When leaving the garden, check that all water hoses are off and lock the garden shed and gate.

Can I bring kitchen scraps from home to add to the compost bin?

Fruit and vegetable scraps are welcome. No oil, butter, meat or fish products are allowed. Eggshells may be added if cleaned of all egg matter.

Is the community garden area patrolled?

Monmouth University Police patrol the Community Garden and may stop to see who or what is in the garden. If asked, please give your name – they are at the garden for our safety. The closest emergency MU blue light telephone is located by the tennis courts. To contact the Monmouth University Police Department call: 732-571-4444. To contact West Long Branch Police call: (732) 229-5000 or in an emergency call: 911. Add these numbers to your cell phones.

What do I have to do to stay in good standing?

Respect garden property and assets. Abide by the garden rules and guidelines, maintain your plot, participate in garden events and regularly volunteer in the community plots.

What are some gardening volunteer opportunities?

There is always something to do in the garden – consider helping with: Planting – Plan and keep community plots planted, watered, maintained. Harvesting – Harvest community crops, weigh and record the produce and deliver produce to specified agencies. Maintenance – General garden maintenance and repair; equipment, tools, hoses, and tarps. Keep the shed and hardware organized. Weeding – Coordinate community weeding days. Events & Fundraising – organize and plan garden visits and events for student classes and volunteers, garden lectures, open garden events and community garden conferences. Help with advertising and publicizing garden activities, grant research, and garden fundraising. Composting –Maintain compost bins – sort, water, turn, shred, screen, and spread.

How do we donate garden produce from the community plots?

When produce is harvested from the community plots it is weighed and recorded in the garden donation log book and then taken to a donation site. If you have a favorite local food pantry and or organization, please retrieve the information and contacts necessary to establish regular picking times and deliveries to those organizations. Join and help with group harvesting and delivery and or harvest and deliver when you can. For information about food donation and to locate local food pantries and soup kitchens, contact: Fulfill, Neptune Facility in Monmouth County, visit their website: or call: 732-918-2600.

Where do we donate the food harvested from the garden?

We donate food to associations and organizations that help people in a situation at risk of food insecurity. A complete list of places that accept food donations (including address, day and time) is always available in the garden.

What are some local gardening resources?

Ask and share information with other gardeners. For helpful gardening literature and fact sheets, we suggest using the Rutgers Gardening and Landscape Publications for “Vegetable and Herb Fact Sheets & Bulletins” at: You can also contact: Master Gardeners of Monmouth County; Phone Helpline: 732-303-7614 or Email: