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Newsletter: November 11, 2021

2022 Garden Events

We would love to bring more community into this garden next season. To accomplish this task we are asking you to let us know about education, activities, and supplementary events that would be of direct interest to you. Examples of this would be master gardener hosted workshops, weekly yoga sessions, and eco-friendly dyeing lessons. All interests are welcome.


1. If you haven’t already, please make us aware of your status for next season as soon as possible. Whether you are waiting until spring 2022 or planning to not return, clear out your garden bed entirely. Please cover your bed in burlap or tarp to limit erosion.

2. Shed: the existing shed has been temporarily moved and will still be accessible. As always, please be careful as it is still jam-packed. The gravel will be delivered this coming Monday, November 15th between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. by NJ Gravel and Stone.

3. We have heard your plea and have ordered 20 yards of mushroom compost for the garden. This load will be delivered November 22nd.

Winter Projects

  • November
    • New Shed
    • Secure fencing
    • Mushroom Compost delivery
  • December
    • Purchase new lumber and improve beds
    • Finish fencing
  • January
    • REST
  • February
    • REST
  • March
    • Finish bed improvements
    • Purchase compost and install in all beds
  • April
    • Officially open the garden