Meditation event: in the garden in honor of his holiness the Dalai Lama: the courage to love event in the garden is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21 at 6 pm. Please see the website and social media platforms to sign up. Bring a blanket or chair, as we will sitting in the area adjacent to the garden.
This Week
We harvested another 140 pounds for reformation this week. Lettuce keep the momentum! We have seeded bed 25 with spinach.
Friday crew: (9am to 12 pm)
- Seed cover crop in tomato and tomatillo beds, tamp & water in. Cover crop bin is inside the shed.
Next Week
Monday priorities: 4 pm to 6 pm
- Spread mulch near gate
- Turn compost
- Event preparation (Tuesday 5 pm)
Friday priorities: 9 am to 12 pm
- Harvest available produce
- Turn compost next week:
Vegetable of the Week
Workday Task List
- Perimeter of fence (inside and outside)
- Shed and Compost areas
- Perimeter of communal raised beds
- Pollinator beds outside fenced area
Cleaning and Organizing
- Communal materials
- Shed
- Tools
General Maintenance
- Pulling dead plants and crops
- Repairing Hoses and Irrigation lines
- Repair and maintain rain barrel
- Repairing fence
Seasonal or As needed
- Soil installation
- Woodchip/mulch installation
- Harvesting crops
- Irrigating pollinator beds