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Newsletter: September 2, 2021

Please stay safe and healthy!

Junior Girl Scouts of Ocean Township

It has been a great season in terms of volunteer groups this season because of the junior girl scouts of ocean township. Week in and week out they have showed up with exuberance and zeal. As the school year begins, we are seeing the group lessen in size but they will mostly continue into late October.

This Week

please be aware! Beds 1, 3, 39 have been seeded with cover crops. The junior girl scouts also transplanted swiss chard into bed 17b. Keep september 21st open as a mu event date.

Friday crew: (9am to 12 pm) Harvest any available vegetables, prune dead cherries on cherry tree near shed. (Green bins, not compost), turn compost piles.

Next Week

Monday priorities: labor day – please do not harvest

Fiday priorities: 9 am to 12 pm

  • Harvest available vegetables.
  • Seed cover crop in tomato and tomatillo beds, tamp & water in. (I will leave bin)

Vegetable of the Week: Radish

Soil Temp for Germ: 45-80°F
Days to Emergence: 4-11
Seed Depth: 1/2″
Thin Plants To: 1-2″
Seed Spacing: 1/2″
Row Spacing: 8-12″
Min. Germ.: 80%
Seed Life: 4 years
Seeds per gram: ≈ 80
Fertilizer Needs: Low

Raphanus sativus Radishes are best sown in spring or late summer, maturing when days are shorter, sunlight weaker, and temperatures milder; though some varieties are better able to handle summer conditions. The mildly spicy roots, low in calories and rich in fiber and cancer-fighting antioxidants, have good qualities as a digestive tonic or to clear the sinuses and ease sore throats. Anti-microbial properties made them a detoxifier in traditional medicine, and couple with high vitamin C for an immune boost. Don’t discard the tops, as they are even denser with nutrients.

Days to maturity: 30-40


  • Prepare the bed by working compost into the top 2-3 inches of soil
  • Needs consistent soil moisture due to shallow root systems
  • Dry or crowded conditions will slow growth and make roots hot or pithy
  • The season may be extended from February through October by sowing in cold frames or using row covers
  • For extended harvests plant every two weeks

Direct Sowing

  • Direct sow spring through early-summer
  • Three grams will sow 7-8 row feet
  • It is essential to thin promptly when they form 2 true leaves
  • Sow mid-August—mid-September for a fall crop

Insects & Diseases

  • Common insects: See Brassica Insect Information below
  • Disease prevention: 5-7 year crop rotation

Harvest & Storage

  • Harvest while still young (before splitting)
  • Remove tops before storing
  • Let a few plants bolt and make a seed pod — green pods have a crunchy, mild radish flavor
  • Store at 36°F and 100% relative humidity

Workday Task List


  • Perimeter of fence (inside and outside)
  • Shed and Compost areas
  • Perimeter of communal raised beds
  • Pollinator beds outside fenced area

Cleaning and Organizing

  • Communal materials
  • Shed
  • Tools

General Maintenance

  • Pulling dead plants and crops
  • Repairing Hoses and Irrigation lines
  • Repair and maintain rain barrel
  • Repairing fence

Seasonal or As needed

  • Soil installation
  • Woodchip/mulch installation
  • Harvesting crops
  • Irrigating pollinator beds