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Newsletter: July 30, 2021


We are about to hit august with beautiful momentum. August is the month where our stamina is tested. It is also a great month to pick up your neighboring gardener with a helping hand. Continue to weed your beds and your aisles and we will continue to have a gorgeous, enjoyable disease and pest-free garden.

Thanks for continued diligence and perseverance.

This Week

We have made a dent in the front flower bed thanks to the help of our gardeners and the ocean township girl scouts. Looking fresh folks!

Harvest time: friday’s crew please harvest carrots(13, 21, 23), bush beans(13), cucumbers(19), peppers(23). Remember to check out the master gardener bed(28b) As well.

Next Week

Monday priorities: 4 to 7 pm

  • Harvest, if needed.
  • Prune and trellis tomato.
  • Prune pepper suckers.

Friday priorities: 7 to 10 am

  • Harvest available vegetables.
  • Continue to burlap and mulch shed area.

Vegetable of the Week: Rutabaga & Turnip

Soil Temp for Germ.: 55-75°F
Days to Emergence: 5-17
Seed Depth: 1/4-1/2″
Thin Plants To: 6-8″
Seed Spacing: 1-2″
Row Spacing: 12-16″
Min. Germ.: 80%
Seed Life: 3 years
Seeds per gram: ≈ 265-400
Fertilizer Needs: Low

Brassica rapa (turnips) & Brassica napus (rutabagas) These classic root crops can store long-term in the root cellar or right in the ground for milder regions, providing winter fare with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that boast a whole range of health benefits. The leafy tops are particularly loaded with carotenoids, B- complex vitamins, and vitamin K.


  • Rutabagas and turnips can tolerate a range of soil types with a slightly acidic pH of 6.0-7.0
  • Work in one cup of fertilizer per 10 row feet

Direct Sowing

  • Direct sow spring through summer
  • Thin promptly when they form 2 true leaves
  • Sow turnips July through early-September for a fall/winter crop
  • Sow rutabagas in July for a fall/winter crop

Insects & Diseases

  • Common insects: See Brassica Insect Information below
  • Disease prevention: 5-7 year crop rotation

Harvest & Storage

  • Roots are sweetest when small, so pick early
  • Turnip greens can be picked when young
  • Both root crops are best stored at 36°F and 95% relative humidity

Brassica Insect Information

Aphids: Control aphids with ladybugs or a hard spray of water or Pyrethrin. Also, select varieties that mature later in the season when aphid populations decline.

Cabbage worms, loopers, and root maggots: The first sign of cabbage worms will be off-white butterflies fluttering near the plants. They lay their yellowish-colored eggs on the undersides of leaves, which hatch into caterpillars that can cause severe root and head damage. To control light infestations, spray plants with Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.). Using Reemay or Summer Insect Barrier can also provide control.

Workday Task List


  • Perimeter of fence (inside and outside)
  • Shed and Compost areas
  • Perimeter of communal raised beds
  • Pollinator beds outside fenced area

Cleaning and Organizing

  • Communal materials
  • Shed
  • Tools

General Maintenance

  • Pulling dead plants and crops
  • Repairing Hoses and Irrigation lines
  • Repair and maintain rain barrel
  • Repairing fence

Seasonal or As needed

  • Soil installation
  • Woodchip/mulch installation
  • Harvesting crops
  • Irrigating pollinator beds