Crisp new orange hats, cool watermelon, and iced tea with fresh mint from the garden marked our first official community garden meeting. If you weren’t able to make it…that’s o.k.! Here at the blog we’ll give you the latest garden scoop.
The good news is that the water is flowing fine! The university came through and assisted us and we are marvelously grateful. There is, however, a caveat. Please do not turn off the main valve. Only turn off the individual spigots. In order to save water we also ask that, should you be the last person to leave, to check all spigots. The spigots include both the hose connected valve and the ground valve.
Usually, at the garden, we are happy to welcome guest. However, we have two guests that have arrived that are unfortunately not so welcome. They include the Colorado potato beetle and the flea beetle. The Colorado potato beetle is large (about the size of a dime) and loves potato, eggplant and tomato plants. You can help usher them into their new life (perhaps as a butterfly!) by dunking them in soapy water in a bottle or coffee can. Please remember that this is an organic garden and so non organic chemicals should not be used.
Some of you may have noticed that you appear to have won a weeding lottery. Your assigned lot, thank heavens, has ground cover! Should you be amongst the lucky number – we ask that you assist those whose assigned lot did not get covered and simply pluck a few weeds (make sure they’re not plants!).
Also, everyone at the meeting received an orange cap. It helps us to recognize each other as gardeners. You may pick up yours from one of the steering committee members on one of the open garden days – Tuesdays or Saturday.
And finally, please remember to always drink plenty of water and wear a hat! It can get hot in the garden!
Happy Gardening!