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Freehold Community Garden Visit

About Freehold Community Garden:

This garden has been around for 9 years, and was one of the first community gardens in Monmouth County. They have served as a model for many of the surrounding gardens in the area. It is a completely organic farm.


Freehold Community Garden has both individual and community plots. The produce from the community plots is shared among the individual plot holders. They find this works best because they have many beginner gardeners who are unable to rely on just their own crops. Individual plots are rented for $25 for 100 square feet. They also have teaching and PAR plots, as well as a community area open to the public outside of their fenced area. There are only native pollinating plants outside the garden.


Their garden’s funding comes solely from application fees. The township provides their water and woodchips, and they have received a few donations of plants and seeds. They do not have enough funding to provide equipment for volunteers, so you must come prepared. They have received a grant to install a partial watering system, and they are hoping to complete it next season. They also put in raised beds last year for individuals with disabilities, which were donated from a Girl Scout troop.


Their season runs from March 15th- November 1st. The community plots are in the shade, so there are mostly rhubarb, raspberries, blueberries, mint, garlic chive, and onion chive plants there. The garden does not keep a harvest record, so the amounts and types of crops in the personal plots are unknown.

Decision Making:

The garden has a democratic style of governing, and has no committee or group in power. They have 3 mandatory work days per season and other optional work days. There is a bulletin with fliers to notify volunteers of upcoming events.

Rules and Guidelines:

The Freehold Borough website contains a list of rules and guidelines, similar to ours.


I was told they have a wide range of ages from 18 to 80 volunteering in their garden. Some are from the area while others travel a little farther. The genders and ethnicities vary as well.

Picture of crops in the Freehold Community Garden