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Shot of the community garden. Sign reads: Community Plots. Do Not Pick.

Garden Chat

The Monmouth University Community Garden is happy to be a part of the historic West Long Branch community. As community garden members we feel that the garden is a wonderful addition to the neighborhood. Neighbors may become members of the garden and have a place to plant, harvest, share knowledge and give back to food insecure communities. No community is without its learning curves though. As in any organization there comes a time when it is necessary to sometimes regroup and restate our purpose and goals.

The community garden serves many purposes. It is a membership organization. Members sign up, usually in March, for individual plots or simply to volunteer. Individual plot members pay a small fee. However, members may choose to just work the community plots or help to deliver produce for donation etc. Those who have individual plots are in charge of planting and caring for those plots. In addition, they are in charge of caring for the community plots. What are these community plots? Each year, our garden provides tons of produce to food insecure communities throughout Monmouth County. With the planned help of community garden members and volunteers we harvest veggies and then donate them to garden recognized organizations.

The garden, however, with its lush veggies, plump tomatoes, juicy squash, and vibrant zucchini, is quite the temptation for passerby. We love to have our neighbors become members of the garden. If you like what you see in the garden, please sign up next year for your own plot! We would be happy to have you! However, please remember that the community side is for food insecure (i.e. hungry) members of our community and the private plots are for individual member use. Food pantries are having a harder time than ever providing their communities with fresh produce. It’s important on a human, moral and ethical level that those who have, not take and allow the garden to be a place that cares and shares.

As always, Happy Gardening!