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Home Depot workers

2014 Community Garden Season Blooms to Life Thanks to Home Depot!

The 2014 Monmouth University Community Garden is looking good folks! The rows are teeming with a variety of green and colorful life from flowers to lettuce and strawberries soon to be ripe. Many thanks for the advancement of the community plots must be given to one of our faithful sponsors – Home Depot of West Long Branch. With a team of dedicated workers they donated and planted oodles of yummy vegetables and laid the rows with black cloth to help cut down weeding. The leftover plants are for sale at $1.00 per cell pack.

Each spring since the garden’s inception, Home Depot has come with a team of workers to help plant and prepare the community plots of the garden. They come armed with numerous plants, tools and good will. We are – as always – very grateful to them! Thank you Home Depot for helping are garden grow for another year!