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Learning from the Community in Community Gardening

There are many benefits to community gardening. For folks with limited outdoor space it provides a place to engage in a past time that connects you to nature and feeds your soul and body. For others, it is an opportunity to practice a skill lost in today’s supermarket culture. You grow what you eat so you know exactly where your food comes from.

Doing so as a part of a community then is a bonus.

Many of the gardeners with plots at MU’s Community Garden have diverse skills and expertise. There are those who grow stellar tomatoes year after year or giant pumpkins and those that grow potentially prize winning cabbages. There are other’s though, who until they signed the application for a plot never did more than water an indoor plant. What a great opportunity! Many skilled gardeners are happy to share knowledge with all who ask. The steering committee has several master gardeners who are always happy to teach a new gardening skill.

If you have questions about your own plot or just want to learn a bit of new gardening lore – We have open gardening sessions every Tuesday from 5:30-7:30 and Saturdays at 10 a.m. Come on out and garden with your community!