Message from the Chair

Welcome to the new look and feel of our quarterly newsletter! I hope you will find the newsletter easier to navigate and more interesting to read than ever. Some of the new features include:

  • “At a Glance” summary of articles with option to link into read full article details
  • Links to our online member directory and a photo gallery highlighting recent events
  • Notifications of upcoming meetings and events

Also, our business council webpages have been upgraded to better accommodate the rich and dynamic content which is constantly being expanded.  Most noticeable is a better and more intuitive navigation structure. Please take a look at the changes and enjoy the vast amount of content that now exists on our site. 

Special thanks to Erin Moran, Deb Clay, and Tanya Hill of the communication and event committee for their work on both the newsletter and the website upgrades.  

As we begin the spring semester, our attention will focus on awarding student excellence and allocating the funds for the faculty summer research grants. Applications for student awards and scholarships have already been distributed and we look forward to a high level of student participation. Please encourage any student that you mentor to apply for these awards.

For the faculty summer research grants we have some ambitious plans that will be announced in February.  Our goal is to identify creative ways to engage with the business community as both a means of driving more valuable and relevant research and providing additional sources of funding. For those of you looking to get more involved, this will no doubt be an area where you can contribute.

Lastly, Invoices were sent in late January for the 2025 dues payment. Please be prompt in making your dues payments as we have a goal to be 100% collected by the end of March.

Ken Young, Business Council Chair