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  • Religious Studies

    Critically and thoughtfully engage with religion throughout history and in the world today with a Minor in Philosophy and Religious Studies. Given religion’s traditional and ongoing power to shape individuals and societies, religious literacy is imperative to responding to the diverse religious perspectives and phenomena that impact local and global contexts, both past and present.

  • Race and Ethnic Studies

    As our societies become more diverse and globally connected, it is imperative that we develop cultural competency as we move forward. With a minor in Race and Ethnic Studies, you will become a global citizen through the interdisciplinary studies of the history, culture, geography, politics, sociology, and economics of Africans, African Americans, Asians, Native Americans, Latin Americans, and Muslim populations in the Middle East.

  • Psychology

    Enhance your undergraduate experience with a Minor in Psychology. After building a strong foundation in the discipline, you can choose from a number of exciting elective options.

  • Public History

    Learn how to apply history to real-world scenarios with a Minor in Public History. You will conduct field work, research, and projects while developing the essential skills needed for a career as a public historian.

  • Public Policy

    A minor in Public Policy offers specialized courses in the areas of policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. You will gain a firm understanding of the dynamics of the policy process at the federal, state, and local levels of government.

  • Public Relations

    A minor in Public Relations can prepare you for a career in this exciting area of communication. Discover the strategies behind campaign planning, crisis communication, digital content, and more.

  • Photography

    If you have an eye for setting up the perfect shot, you can practice your skills and showcase your talents with a Minor in Photography. You will learn advanced techniques including lighting, black and white photography, and documentary style photography.

  • Political Science

    A minor in Political Science will help you understand government functions, international affairs, public law, and policy issues. It is flexible, so students can take courses to enhance their chosen major in anthropology, business, communication, criminal justice, history, education, English, social work, sociology, psychology, the sciences, and others. The Political Science minor offers knowledge and skills that students in all fields can use to enhance their careers and make them well-rounded and informed citizens.

  • Popular Music

    Explore the way music has evolved and influenced society and culture with a Minor in Popular Music. Study genres such as blues, rap, rock, and jazz as you move through the decades of music history.

  • Professional Writing

    Master the English language and prepare for a career in writing with a Minor in Professional Writing. You will build a strong foundational skill set while focusing your studies in areas such as creative writing and journalism.