The Department of Professional Counseling facilitates multiple professional development opportunities throughout the year on a wide variety of counseling-related topics. This page contains many of our past presentation recordings which are available for viewing at any time. Please note that watching the videos through this page does not qualify for continuing education hours.
For more information on upcoming offerings, including live events and home study programs, please visit the Continuing Education & Professional Development website.
Professional Development Program
Racial Justice Education Series
From Our Own
The purpose of the Counseling Alumni Connection’s “From Our Own” Presentation Series is to share knowledge of specific areas of expertise and a wide variety of subject matter for the personal and professional development of mental health practitioners and students of counseling related fields. The series also provides a forum for advancing the field of counseling and adds to the body of knowledge by educating relevant audiences on current counseling related topics. Presentations are conducted by Department of Professional Counseling alumni.
- Medical Trauma: Emotional Implications and Crisis Intervention
- An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing: Basic Principles and Practical Applications
- Counseling Criminal Justice Clients
- Generation Z and Family Therapy
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
- Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Conscious Parenting – Part II
Current Topics in Counseling Conference
The Current Topics in Counseling Conference is facilitated by the Counseling Alumni Connection. The purpose of this event is to provide timely and important information relevant to the counseling field through an immersive full-day of presentations.
- Ethics, Law, & Social Justice: The Intersection of Behaviors and Beliefs
- Cultural View of Disability: Communicating with People with Disabilities
- Examining Shame Resilience: Applying Brené Brown’s Theory to Personal and Professional Counselor Development
- Family Therapy: Working with Challenging Family Dynamics in Effective Manner
- Body Focused Interventions in Trauma Treatment
- Medication Assisted Treatment
- Couples Counseling: History, Special Considerations, and Effective Theories and Interventions
- “Not Thin Enough”: Overcoming Barriers to Eating Disorder Treatment and Recovery
- Effective Techniques for Counseling Individuals with Personality Disorders
- Nature is Nurture: Counseling and the Natural World
- Changing Minds: Using the Science of Perception in Treatment
- The Impact of the Extreme Achievement Orientation on Adolescent Mental Health
- Why Integrative Medicine and the Philosophy of Traditional Healing Can Save the US Healthcare System
- Becoming a Clinical Ethnographer: Transforming Stories of Suffering into Meaning and Purpose
- Advocating for Mental Health: Current Challenges and Ethical Responsibilities
- Motivating the Unmotivated: Counseling Court-Mandated, Coerced & Other Treatment-Ambivalent Clients
- Understanding and Helping Couples in the Social Media Age
- Buddhist Philosophy as Counseling Technique: Postmodern Zen
- Mental Health and Public Policy
- Counselor Self Care Using Mindfulness Meditation and Movement
Contact Information
Office Location
Monmouth Park
Corporate Center

NBCC Approved
Monmouth University Department of Professional Counseling has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 4242. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Monmouth University Department of Professional Counseling is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.