The Faculty Association of Monmouth University is commonly called FAMCO, getting its name from its formation when Monmouth University was a college.
FAMCO is the union for full-time faculty at Monmouth University, responsible for representing faculty in negotiating working and teaching conditions. Active since 1971, FAMCO has been a major force in the development of professional standards and procedures at Monmouth University.
FAMCO’s main responsibilities continue to be:
- Negotiating agreements with the University that cover: salaries, benefits, procedures and standards for continuance, tenure and promotion, teaching loads, and service and scholarship requirements.
- Protecting faculty members by providing interpretations of the Agreement and a grievance system.
- Encouraging collegiality by holding open meetings, discussions, debates, and providing refreshments!
Why Join FAMCO?
There is strength in numbers, and a strong union can…
- Increase the power of faculty to bargain for better salaries, benefits, and working conditions
- Provide a powerful voice for faculty governance in university decision-making
- Protect academic freedom and ensure fair procedures for reappointment, tenure, and promotion
- Protect non-tenure track faculty against further shifts toward contingency
- Protect individual members through a formal contract grievance process
- Provide critical legal counsel on behalf of its interests in the grievance and negotiation process
- Increase our solidarity with our colleagues across campus employee unions to support equity for all
- Protect the dignity, autonomy, and status of the professoriate itself
- Push broadly for social justice in the face of troubling changes affecting higher education writ large
How to Join
To join, fill out the e-form on the myMU University Portal
To find to form, log into the Employee Portal, click on Forms>Etrieve Central Forms – (e-FORMS)>Forms and search for “FAMCO.” The form is called MU-FAMCO Membership Form
How to File a Grievance
Grievance is a formal process of claiming the faculty union’s contract has been violated. If you would like to file a grievance or are otherwise facing a workplace issue that you think may be a violation of the contract, please contact Acting Mediation Officer Stephen Chapman (schapman@monmouth.edu or 732-571-4481) or Grievance Officer Corey Dzenko (cdzenko@monmouth.edu or 732-923-4512) for initial assistance.
FAMCO-MU 2024-2027 Agreement
Executive Committee Members
August 21, 2024 – May 31, 2025

FAMCO has been a part of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) for over 50 years, and became a joint collective bargaining chapter of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) as part of the Summer 2022 national affiliation agreement between AAUP and AFT.