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2016 Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research

2016 Student Research Conference

Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research

Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Biology:

Presented to Calliope O’Shea, Marisa Paolella and Marta Telatin

Project Title: Effects of Alcohol and Caffeine on Lipid Raft-Associated Receptors within the Adolescent Brain

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dennis Rhoads

Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Chemistry:

Presented to Crystal Diaz, Marie Furda, Erin Hoag and Katlynn Muratore

Project Title: Modeling Selectivity of Binding of Polycyclic Aromatic Ligands to DNA

Faculty Mentors:  Dr. Dmytro Kosenkov and Dr. Massimiliano Lamberto

Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering:

Presented to Justin Schlemm, Abdul Mushin J. Al-Kandari, Taylor Klodowski and Mary Menges

Project Title: FEED

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniela Rosca

Dean’s Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Mathematics:

Presented to Gabriella Gerber and Samantha Giordano

Project Title: Statistics of Dental Pathology in Different Egyptian Populations

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Richard Bastian