Registration Information

Advanced Summer Registration

Continuing students in good academic standing will be invited to register EARLY for all Summer sessions. Colleague Self-Service, Student Planning is available to students for planning purposes by early February.

Students will be able to self-register using the Monmouth University Portal, myMU, provided that they have met with their advisor(s) and obtained permission to self-register. If students have not yet obtained advisor approval, they will need to register in-person at the Registrar’s Office.

Attendance Policy

Monmouth University believes that attendance is essential to success in academic courses. Therefore, class attendance is required. The University believes that learning is an interactive process dependent in part on the student and is not just a matter of the passive absorption of information. The University also believes that to benefit fully from their respective courses, students need to participate in, and contribute constructively to, the classroom experience, and, secondly, that the success of any course depends as much on what students contribute to the class as on what the instructor presents.

Grades in courses are normally based on academic performance (participation, contribution, and examination). However, individual faculty members may adopt reasonable regulations that additionally relate grades to class attendance. All professors must state their specific attendance policies in a written statement containing the pertinent course requirements and give it to the students during the first week of the semester. A student who, for any reason, may not be present at a particular class or laboratory is, nevertheless, responsible for adhering to the attendance requirements of the course.

Students are not permitted to attend classes for which they have not officially registered (as determined by the Office of the Registrar). If students attend without prior registration, they are subject to disciplinary actions, inclusive of suspension and/or dismissal, and will not be permitted to “retroactively” enroll.

Building Codes

The Monmouth University Campus Map is available online. Below is a list of classroom building codes.

  • A: 600 Art Building (601-608)
  • AW: Art Workshop Building
  • AB: Athletics Building
    • MGYM – Boylan Gym Main
    • MGYMN – Boylan Gym North
    • MGYMNS – Boylan Gym South
    • FHS – Field Hockey Field
    • SP – Steadman Pool
    • TC – Tennis Court
    • BC – Bowling Center
    • OT – Outdoor Track
  • BH: Samuel E. and Mollie Bey Hall
  • BIRC: Birch Hall (near the Health Center)
  • CC: Anacon A or B – Student Center Anacon A or Anacon B
  • E: Thomas A. Edison Science Hall
  • GH: Great Hall
  • GHA: Great Hall Annex
  • GH AUD: Great Hall Auditorium
  • HH: James and Marlene Howard Hall
  • HH PT: Howard Hall Pollack Theatre
  • JP: Plangere Center for Communication
  • LAKH: Lakehouse (In Asbury Park-Off Campus)
  • LARL: Laurel Hall Basement (Res Hall)
  • LIBR: Monmouth University Library
  • MH: Robert E. McAllan Hall
  • MP: Monmouth University Graduate Center at Monmouth Park Corporate Center
  • O: Off Campus
  • PZ: Pozycki Hall
  • RH: Rechnitz Hall
  • RH G1: Rechnitz DiMattio Gallery (1st FL)
  • WILO: Willow Hall Basement (Res Hall)
  • WT: Woods Theatre Complex

Class Meeting Times and Abbreviations

Monmouth University follows a 14-week fall and spring semester schedule. Generally, the new semester format will have the daytime courses meet twice weekly, 80-minutes-per-class period. Evening courses may meet twice weekly, 80-minutes-per-class period, or once weekly, 170-minutes-per-class period. During the fourteenth week of the semester each class will meet once for at least 170 minutes. Some courses will meet for longer periods of time, please consult the online schedule to determine meeting times for a specific course. Class time will be complemented by at least 100 minutes each week of laboratory or outside assignments (or the equivalent thereof for semesters of different length) but may also be accomplished through an equivalent amount of academic work as established by Monmouth University, which may include additional class time, laboratory work, internships, practical studio work, and other forms of academic work.

Care should be taken to inspect course meeting times so as to avoid conflicts with other courses. The schedule worksheet was designed in order to help identify conflicts. There may be an overlap between the early evening and late afternoon courses. When using the schedule sheet, fill in the appropriate boxes for the courses that have been selected.

In addition, some classes may meet in the classroom and online as well. Students should contact the instructor for details when necessary or with specific class-related questions.

Days of the week are abbreviated as:

  • M – Monday
  • T – Tuesday
  • W – Wednesday
  • TH – Thursday
  • F – Friday
  • S – Saturday
  • SU – Sunday

Course Cancellation Policy

The University reserves the right to cancel courses as required. Final determination rests with the Dean of the School where the course is housed.

Students registered for cancelled courses will be notified via their Monmouth University e-mail account.

Course Prerequisite Worksheet

If a course requires a prerequisite, successful registration requires that the exact course must be successfully completed or be in progress for the current term.

In some instances, students have substituted another course for a specified prerequisite. In these cases, Colleague Self-Service registration does NOT recognize that the prerequisite has been satisfied and will prevent registration for the intended course.

The Course Prerequisite Worksheet screen was developed to allow students to check their ability to register for specific courses and determine if they satisfy the prerequisite. This function is available through the Monmouth University Portal, myMU student menu.

If you have had a prerequisite substituted, contact your academic advisor and request the department register you for the course. You can use the Monmouth University Portal, myMU Registration menu to self-register for other courses for which you satisfy the exact prerequisite.

Courses With Prerequisites

Students who have not completed course prerequisites, or who are not registered for the prerequisite in a prior term, will be prevented from registering for the course. Only department chairs, or their appointed designates, can bypass course prerequisites for registration. Use the Course Prerequisite Worksheet screen on the Monmouth University Portal, myMU which is located on the WebAdvisor menu.

Course Type Codes

Certain courses and/or sections of courses have a type code stated next to the course catalog number in the schedule listing. Below are the type code abbreviations and the explanation of abbreviations. If you need a detailed description of any type code, please contact your advisor.

These codes can be used to search for specific course descriptions online. Simply access the Monmouth University Portal, myMU and Colleague Self-Service, course catalog.

  • AQUA: Aquatics (Health and Phys. Ed. Skills Category)
  • ARHIS – Art History
  • AT – Aesthetics
  • AUS – Study Abroad – Australia
  • BI.E – International Business electives
  • CD – Cultural Diversity
  • CJHLS – Homeland Security
  • COACM – Communication/Applied Communication – Message
  • COACP – Communication/Applied Communication – Problem
  • COCSD – Communication Studies – Delivery
  • COCSP – Communication Studies – Problem
  • COCST – Communication Studies – Theory
  • COJPT – Journalism/Public Relations – Theory
  • COJPW – Journalism/Public Relations – Writing
  • COPRM – Journalism/Public Relations – Message
  • COPRT – Journalism/Public Relations – Theory
  • CORTP – Communication/Radio TV – Production
  • CORTA – Communication/Radio TV – Act/Announce
  • CORTW – Communication/Radio TV – Writing
  • CORTT – Communication/Ratio TV – Theory
  • COSS – Screen Studies Minor
  • COSPT – Sports Communication Minor
  • CISEL – Computer Science/Information Management/Software Engineering Elective
  • EDCUR – Education Curriculum
  • EDAST – Education Assessment
  • EDFOU – Foundations of Education
  • EDRES – Education Research
  • EN.1 – MA.EN: PRE-1800
  • EN.2 – MA.EN: Post 1800
  • EN.3 – MA.EN: World Literature
  • EN.4 – MA.EN: Language and Theory
  • EN.5 – MA.EN: American Literature
  • EN.CW – MA.EN: Creative Writing
  • EN.CWU – Undergraduate Creative Writing
  • EN.LT – MA.EN: Literature Elective
  • EN.RW – MA.EN: Rhetoric and Writing
  • EX1-EX5 – Experiential Education
  • FIT – Fitness (Health and Phys. Ed. Skills Category)
  • FLT – Faculty Led Travel
  • FS.LT – Foreign Language Spanish Literature
  • GAMES: Games and Sports (Health and Phys. Ed. Skills Category)
  • GLS – Global Sociology
  • GS – Gender Studies
  • GU – Global Understanding
  • HE.EL – Health Electives
  • HEPE – Health Physical Education Guided Electives
  • HO – Honors
  • HSAF – African History
  • HSAS – Asian History
  • HSEU – European History
  • HSIN – Industrial History
  • HSLA – Latin History
  • HSNW – Non-Western History
  • HSUS – US History
  • HSPRE – Pre 1700 History
  • HSWLD – World History
  • HS.SV – Historical Perspective
  • HY – both on-campus class meetings and online asynchronous content delivery
  • HYS – both on-campus class meetings and online synchronous class meetings with time/day assigned
  • HYSAS – on-campus class meetings, online synchronous class meetings with time/day assigned and online asynchronous content delivery
  • IM – Interactive Media
  • ISP – Interdisciplinary Perspectives
  • LA – Liberal Arts
  • LIT – Literature
  • LLC – Linked Learning Communities
  • MAT – Master of Arts in Teaching
  • MBA.B – MBA-Behavioral
  • MBA.E – MBA-Environmental
  • MBA.I – MBA-International
  • MBA.K – MBA-Marketing
  • MBA.Q – MBA-Quantitative
  • MBA.T – MBA-Technical
  • MC – Molecular Cell
  • ME – Marine & Environmental
  • MEBP – Marine and Environmental Biology & Policy Electives
  • NU.EL – Nursing Guided Elective
  • NS – Natural Science
  • OL – online asynchronous, work will be done according to syllabus, no times or days assigned
  • OLS – scheduled virtual classes will occur; times/days are assigned
  • OUTDR: Outdoor Pursuits (Health and Phys. Ed. Skills Category)
  • PERF: Individual Performance Activities (Health and Phys. Ed. Skills Category)
  • PO – Policy Studies
  • PSAL – Political Science – American Legal System
  • PSAM – Political Science – American Politics
  • PSCG – Political Science Comparative Government
  • PSIP – Political Science International Politics
  • PSPA – Political Science Public Administration
  • RHYTH: Dance/Rhythmic Activities (Health and Phys. Ed. Skills Category)
  • RD – Reasoned Oral Discourse
  • RE – Race and Ethnic Studies
  • SI – Structural Inequality
  • SIN – Social Institutions
  • SJEDU – Social Justice in Education
  • SJL – Social Justice in Law
  • SJS – Social Justice in Sociology
  • SS.SV – Social Science Survey
  • SUS – Sustainability
  • TL – Technological Literacy
  • TPS – Tech and Practice Skills
  • WT – Writing Intensive

Curriculum Charts

Curriculum charts for specific programs of undergraduate and graduate study are published each year and are available for review in the Monmouth University undergraduate and graduate catalogs. Students are encouraged to utilize their curriculum chart, in conjunction with their academic audit, when preparing their course schedule for Registration.


Please refer to the Academic Calendar for Holiday dates

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Please find all FERPA information on the Financial Aid Web site.

Fourteenth Week Information

All students and faculty will be provided with an individualized fourteenth week schedule available on their WebAdvisor account, approximately two weeks prior to the fourteenth week. A student who has three or more fourteenth week classes scheduled in one day, may request that one of them be rescheduled to another day. It is normally the middle one of the three that is rescheduled. The class should be given at a time agreed upon by both the student and the faculty member on or before the end of the fourteenth week class period.

It is the right of a student to review any graded examination in the presence of the instructor.


Graduation, also known as degree conferral, occurs following the term in which you officially complete all your degree requirements. Monmouth University degrees are conferred in January, May, July, and August. A graduation fee will be assessed prior to your final semester, in accordance with the university Tuition and Fees schedule. Upon graduation, your transcript will post your degree, and your diploma will be issued.

Diplomas are now distributed in print and certified electronic format. Students without outstanding university obligations can expect to receive their diplomas within 3 weeks of the graduation date.

Degree Audit Colleague Self-Service, My Progress tracks your progression toward degree completion and should be reviewed with your academic advisor.

Commencement is the celebration of graduated students. MU traditionally holds a commencement ceremony in the spring to celebrate January and May graduates, and in the summer to celebrate July and August graduates. Information regarding the commencement ceremonies will be sent to graduating students from the Office of Student Life.

Application for Graduation:

As you approach the completion of your program, students must review their academic audits through the Monmouth University portal, myMU, in order to monitor their degree progress. After the completion of seventy-five (75) credits you are required to submit an “Application for Graduation” form to the Office of the Registrar or you will be blocked from all future registration activity. A graduation fee will be assessed prior to your final semester, in accordance with the university Tuition and Fees schedule. The application is available in the student portal under the I NEED TO tab.

Last Day to Submit Substitutions and/or Waivers:

No substitutions and/or waivers will be accepted after the deadline date.

  • May Graduating Students – April 15
  • July Graduating Students – July 1
  • August Graduating Students – August 15
  • January Graduating Students – November 15

Health Insurance

Good health plays an important role in academic success. Unexpected medical bills can threaten a student’s ability to complete their education should they be uninsured. Monmouth University strongly encourages all students to be covered under a health insurance plan with benefits in New Jersey.

Domestic students who are not covered under a health plan may be eligible to enroll through during the open enrollment period (November 1st-December 15th). If you have recently been dropped from a plan you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. An additional resource for New Jersey health coverage can be found on the Get Covered NJ Web site.

As a reminder, students can be medically seen for acute, common illnesses and injuries on campus at the Monmouth University Health Care Center at no charge. Health insurance is recommended when filling prescriptions, sending out lab work or utilizing local hospital/specialist services.

International students should be covered by a health insurance plan that has benefits within the United States. Students may choose from any number of plans on the market. Three examples of plans to choose from are provided below; find a plan that fits your needs.

To support campus health and wellness and to expedite any needed medical care, a copy of the current health insurance card should be maintained as part of the student health profile. Students should scan and upload their health insurance card to a private and confidential health profile through the Student Health Portal found in the myMU web access.

  • Scan an image of your health insurance card. Scanned images MUST be saved as .gif, .png, .tiff, .tif, .jpg, .jpeg. Documents MUST be saved as either .txt or .pdf, NOT as a Word Document.
  • Log into myMU with your Monmouth user i.d. and password.
  • Select the tab, I Need To…”.
  • Select “Student Health Portal” and log in with your Monmouth user ID (use “s” in front of the i.d. number) and MU password.
  • Select the Upload tab, choose Health Insurance Card from the drop down selection, select your scanned file and choose Upload.

Please contact Health Services at 732-571-3464 for further information.

Independent Study/Experiential Education Applications

Students MUST arrange to have all appropriate paperwork completed. Failure to coordinate submission of the authorized applications to the Office of the Registrar may jeopardize your registration, graduation, and financial aid status.

The Experiential Education and the Undergraduate and Graduate Independent Study applications are advisor-initiated e-FORMS, please contact your advisor for assistance.

Interactive Course Schedule

Monmouth University offers up-to-the-minute, real-time course listings (including enrollment information, open/closed classes, etc.) through the Monmouth University Portal, myMu and Colleague Self-Service, course catalog. Additionally, this listing is open to the general public and is accessible without a password or PIN. Click on the “Sections Offered by Term” link available from the WebAdvisor main menu.

Leave of Absence

Students may take a leave of absence (LOA) if they intend to be away from the University for a full semester. A leave of absence enables students to resume studies under the curriculum of record. A leave of absence e-FORM must be completed online each semester and submitted electronically to the Office of the Registrar by the deadline date. There are no extensions or exceptions. See Academic Calendar for deadlines.

Maximum Course Load


Undergraduate students will not be permitted to register for more than a total of 12 credits over all the summer sessions. Graduate students will not be permitted to register for more than a total of 9 credits over all the summer sessions.

Fall and Spring:


  • 18 credits maximum
  • 19 – 21 credits require specific approval from department chair
  • 22+ credits require specific approval from department chair and school dean


  • 9 credits maximum
  • 15+ credits require specific approval from department chair or program director

Failure to present written approval to the Registrar’s Office can result in the administrative deletion of any course(s) exceeding the maximum credit allowable.

New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium

Courses in marine science and education will be held at the Sandy Hook Field Station. Interested students should contact Assistant Dean Tiedemann, School of Science at 732-263-5545 for complete details about specific courses, dates and registration materials.

Priority/Early Registration

Beginning in April each year students will receive a specific date and time indicating their first opportunity to access priority registration. The assignment of times for undergraduate students will be based on the number of completed credits.

Students within the same category of completed credits will be randomly selected and assigned to their timeframe. Individual date and time information will be e-mailed to each student’s Monmouth University e-mail account and will be displayed continually on their Monmouth University Portal, myMU and Colleague Self-Service, Student Planning account.

Students who do not obtain approval or who are on academic probation must register in person with their academic department or at the Office of the Registrar .

Information regarding Priority Registration will be e-mailed to students in late February/early March from the Office of the Registrar. All details to students will be provided therein.

(note that Summer registration is continuing as part of the Advanced Summer Registration program)

Program Change Period


Students should consult with their academic advisors before making changes in their course schedules. Program changes can be made directly with your academic advisor, First Year Advising or in the Office of the Registrar. Colleague Self-Service, Student Planning is available through the Monmouth University portal, myMU for those students who have been granted access to use it for scheduling.

When changes are made during the Program Change Period (see Academic Calendar), it is expected that changes that create additional tuition charges are paid for at the time of the change. The official date of a program change is the date it is received in the Office of the Registrar. The official date is the date the change is entered.

At the conclusion of the Program Change Period, students can add courses with the permission of the instructor and the department chair. Students who wish to “drop” a course after this period must follow withdrawal instructions.

Refund Policy

Information on Monmouth University’s Refund Policy is available on the Bursar’s Office Web page.

The University’s Appeal Policy for Refunds is explained on the Bursar’s Web site.

Registration Blocks

Students who have had their ability to register blocked by administrative offices (reasons include failure to apply for graduation, provide health information, parking tickets, balance due on account, etc.) can check for blocks in Colleague Self-Service, Student Planning.

Room Assignments

Classroom assignments will appear on the student’s schedule. Students can view their schedule at any time using Colleague Self-Service, Student Planning. Therefore, paper schedules are not provided to continuing students; they should confirm their semester/session classroom assignments immediately before classes begin. Remember that until all of the assignments are finalized, room assignments are tentative.

Student Schedules

Students can view their schedule at any time using Colleague Self-Service, Student Planning. Therefore, paper schedules are not provided to continuing students; they should confirm their semester/session schedule immediately before classes begin.

Section Numbers/Codes

Monmouth University uses a section number or letter designation to indicate certain information for the particular section

01-49, 49A
Daytime Class, Online, and Hybrid
Evening Class, Online, and Hybrid
Saturday and Sunday Classes
“A” Pattern Classes
“B” Pattern Classes
Restricted to EOF Students
Restricted to Honors Students
Meridian section

Statement of Non-Discrimination

Monmouth University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution in accordance with civil rights legislation and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, marital status, age, liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States, veteran status, or status as an individual with a disability, and provides a work environment free of bias based on such categories. This policy applies to every phase of our operation, including recruitment, hiring, promotion, reclassification, transfer, compensation, benefits, termination, layoff and return from layoff, social and recreational programs, and any other aspect of employment.

This policy of the University is consistent with the requirements and objectives set forth in federal and state laws against discrimination to include: Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination.

Student Petitions

Some courses require a student to obtain instructor approval prior to registering for the course. These courses will be indicated that a student petition is required in the “comments” area of the Search for Courses. Be certain to visit/contact the instructor before registering.

Student Status – Full-Time Undergraduates

Monmouth University expects all full-time undergraduate students to be registered for 12 to 18 credits by the end of the add/drop period. Failure to have a full-time credit load can jeopardize your financial aid.

Study Abroad – Official Monmouth Programs

Monmouth University strongly encourages students to study abroad by offering Monmouth curated programs. This is an excellent opportunity for students to globalize their education while living, learning, and traveling abroad.

Students must meet these criteria at the time of application and immediately prior to studying abroad. Failure to do so will result in the student’s removal from the study abroad program.

For additional information, please visit the Global Education Office on the first floor of the Rebecca Stafford Student Center. The Global Education Office may be reached by phone at 732-923-4768 or by email. You may also visit the Study Abroad Web site to obtain additional information and resources.

Commencing Summer 2020, students attending the Study Abroad programs will have all grades listed on their transcript, and those grades calculated into their grade point average (GPA). Institutional credit will be granted for all earned grades.

Study Abroad – All Other Programs

Students planning to attend a non-Monmouth University study abroad program are required to obtain permission from the Monmouth University prior to enrolling in the program. Students must first apply on the student portal and then complete the online Etrieve Form (e-FORM) “Permission to Study Abroad (non-MU Program),” which is accessible from Etrieve Central (e-FORMS) in the student portal. Students should review and familiarize themselves with the University policy and guidelines provided on the form and in the online University Catalog.

The student must meet the study abroad requirements as stated above in the “STUDY ABROAD – OFFICIAL MONMOUTH PROGRAMS” section and must also receive permission in advance from the registrar, department chair, and school dean. Permission may be granted for free elective courses outside the major, not for major courses, except in the case of a world language course. Courses from two-year colleges will not be substituted for Monmouth University upper-level (300-400) courses. In addition, students within 30 credits of graduation are not eligible for this permission.

Please note that the non-Monmouth University study abroad program must be offered by an approved or accredited U.S. institution of higher education. Students are required to have the accredited U.S. institution of higher education send an official transcript to the Registrar’s Office within 90 days after completion of the authorized course(s).

Courses will be posted as transfer (“T”) credit for all grades of “C” or better. There is no GPA impact with “T” grades.

Summer Permission

Students anticipating using the summer break to attend another institution and transfer credits to Monmouth must complete a “Permission to Take Courses at Another Institution” or “Summer Permission” Etrieve Form (e-FORM) available from the Monmouth University Portal, myMU/Forms/Etrieve Central Forms – (e-FORMS). Credits and “T” grades will be posted for approved courses in which the student earned a “C” grade or better.

The completed Etrieve Form (e-FORM) must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office and approved before the summer class begins. Forms submitted late will not be processed. It is the student’s responsibility to have the other institution provide an official transcript to the Registrar’s Office within 90 days of the conclusion of the course(s).

Undergraduate General Education Requirements

Undergraduates should refer to their curriculum charts for specific general education requirements. “Course Type Codes” identify course sections that fulfill certain requirements. Please note that the “Course Type Codes” appear with the appropriate course listing using Colleague Self-Service, Student Planning.

More information is available in the Monmouth University Undergraduate Catalog.

University E-mail

Every registered student is given an account on the Monmouth University student electronic mail (e-mail) system. The format of their login is the letter ‘s’ (lower case) followed by their 7-digit student ID number; for example, student 0123456 has an e-mail address of Since the e-mail address contains the student identification number, it uniquely identifies the student to Monmouth University administrative and academic departments. Call 732-923-4600 to activate your account and receive a password.

University departments may use e-mail as an official form of communication to students. E-mail notices may include, but are not limited to:

  • Academic announcements
  • Deadline for substitutions for graduation requirements
  • Class changes (time, location)
  • Change of grade notification
  • Financial aid notifications
  • Grades
  • Registration information, including ‘blocks’
  • Student schedules

All student communication with the University which entails release of personal or academic information requires use of the student’s MU email account. Some offices frequently contacted are:

University Emergency Closing

Monmouth University has established an Emergency Information Telephone Line, 732-263-5900. During emergencies, including weather-related situations when the University may need to close or delay the start of the work day, this line will have a prerecorded message with necessary information for students and staff.

If the University must close or cancel classes, a broadcast message will also be sent to all employees and resident students via the campus voice mail system. In addition, this information will be posted on the main page of the Monmouth University Web site.

You may also find out about weather-related cancellations and closings by listening to one of the local radio stations listed below.


Monmouth University
(Broadcasts 8 a.m. – midnight, Monday – Friday, and 10 am – midnight, Saturday and Sunday)

Ocean County

The Point
Monmouth County and Ocean County

Atlantic City


Ocean County

Ocean County The Island



The Boss
Monmouth County

Atlantic City


New York


Monmouth and Ocean Counties


New Brunswick


New Jersey

Channel 4 WNBC News

Verizon Fios

University Store

For information on the University Store hours and refund policy, please visit the University Store.

Waitlisted Courses

Questions concerning advancement from the waitlist into a course(s) should be addressed with the department where the course originates.

myMU Monmouth University Portal

All current Monmouth University students and deposited “Applicants” are provided with access to the Monmouth University Portal, myMU.

Each student is provided with a unique User ID and password that allows access to personally identifiable information via the web.

Information obtainable online includes:

  • Grades (midterm and final)
  • Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • Financial Information
  • Degree Progress
  • Financial Aid Status
  • Financial Aid Award Letter
  • Student Schedule
  • Fourteenth Week Information
  • Student Planning
  • Transcript
  • e-FORMS
  • Health Insurance Waiver

Self Registration

Students can self-register online beginning at the time and date they are authorized, providing that they have consulted with their academic advisor and received permission to self-register using the Monmouth University Portal, myMu, Colleague Self-Service Student Planning. For specific dates and times for self-registration, review the information previously distributed by the Office of the Registrar. In addition, specific instructions are available online as is a registration tutorial.

NOTE: Should we experience any technical difficulties during registration, it will be closed down. In-person registration will continue as scheduled.

Withdrawal from Courses

Students who do not intend to complete any course for which they are officially registered must submit an official withdrawal by using Etrieve Forms (e-FORMS).

Students withdrawing from some courses while remaining registered for one or more courses should use the form titled, Withdraw from Course.

Students withdrawing from all courses with no intention to return to the University should use the form titled, Total Withdraw from University.

The official date of a withdrawal form is the date the completed form is received in the Office of the Registrar which is the system date and time stamp of the Etrieve Form (e-FORM) submission.

Except under extenuating circumstances, such as prolonged illness, a student will not be permitted to withdraw from coursework “after the W”ithdraw deadline published in the Academic Calendar.

All students who do not complete courses and who have not executed an official withdrawal prior to the deadline indicated, will receive “F” grades for such courses.

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