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Monmouth University Athletics

Monmouth University Intramurals & Recreation

Monmouth University Intramurals & Recreation



This site will introduce you to the intramural and recreational services available at Monmouth University. It will provide you with basic information. You are encouraged to take full advantage of the facilities and services provided, as they will create memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

The Intramurals and Recreation Program is directed by Jon Cascone. The Intramural office is located in Boylan Gymnasium (Room B111) . Please feel free to stop in and discuss ideas with the staff or call 732-263-5187.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Monmouth University Intramurals and Recreation Program is to enrich the educational experience and promote wellness by providing high quality physical recreation opportunities through the medium of sport; to provide programs and services that promote the maintenance of good mental and physical health as well as improve personal skills and promote social interaction; and to create an atmosphere that encourages individuals to develop a lifelong pattern of positive recreational activity regardless of skill level.

All events, programs, activities, and facilities are open to all students, faculty members, and staff members of the University without regard to race, sex, religion, age, or disability.

What is Intramural Sports?

The intramural/recreational sports program at Monmouth University is designed to provide an opportunity for the campus to take part in organized competitive and non-competitive recreational sports and leisure activities. Structured leagues and tournaments are offered in a diverse array of sporting activities that include team sports, individual sports, meets, and special events. Championship T-shirts are awarded to the winner or winners of each sponsored activity.

Important Intramural Pages: 

Intramural Guidelines


Fitness Center

Intramural Employment Club Sports Team Captains
Participation Liability Champions Page     Sport Club Handbook
Sportsmanship Open Gym   
  Fitness Classes