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Peer-Assisted Learning

What is Peer-Assisted Learning?

Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) is a series of group study sessions for some of MU’s most challenging courses.  Led by PAL Leaders (students who have done well in the class before), PAL Sessions are free and open to any students in those classes who are interested in improving their understanding of the course material and their course grade.

What to expect at a PAL Session: 

You should expect to do the following for a successful PAL Session:

  1. Bring your notes, textbook, and questions.  It is ok to be confused or make mistakes!  PAL Sessions are the place for you to work through the material and improve your understanding.
  2. Plan to work collaboratively.  PAL Sessions are designed to involve students in small group work and discussion.
  3. Think critically about your own study skills.  PAL will help you figure out not only what to learn, but how!
  4. Finally, stay connected with your classmates.  PAL Sessions will give you an opportunity to connect with other students, compare notes, and help one another outside of regular class time.

How will you know if your class has PAL sessions? 

Your professor will introduce your PAL Leader at the beginning of the semester, and your PAL Leader will remain in close contact with you to announce their PAL sessions and how they’ll support the course as the semester evolves.

Click here to see our Group Sessions.

Click here to apply to be a PAL leader.

Contact Us

Peer-Assisted Learning

Location: Great Hall, Room 205

Phone: 732-571-3637


Facts About PAL:

  • Began at the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1973.
  • Currently serves more than 1,500 colleges and universities across 30 countries.
  • Provides organized, peer-facilitated group study time.
  • Focuses on how students prepare for class outside of class.
  • Integrates what to learn with how to learn.
  • Revolves around student-to-student interaction and cooperative learning.
  • Targets at-risk courses rather than at-risk students.
  • Encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning.