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Race & National Historic Legacy Conversations at Monmouth University – December 14, 2015

From:       President Paul Brown
To:           Members of the University Community
Date:        December 14, 2015
Subject:  Race & National Historic
Legacy Conversations at Monmouth University

The initial listening sessions on Wednesday, December 9, were a productive first step in our ongoing dialogue on race-related issues at Monmouth University.  As I have previously noted, these first two sessions are only the beginning of a continuing and evolving process that will engage our entire community.

I am deeply appreciative for the time, attention, and candid feedback from students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Our time together was informative, enlightening, and conducted entirely in the spirit of courtesy and mutual respect that are the hallmarks of our community.

Our next listening sessions are scheduled for:
Thursday, January 21:  9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Magill Commons Club Dining Room
Thursday, January 21:  11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Magill Commons Club Dining Room
Monday, February 8:  9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Magill Commons Room 107
Monday, February 8:  12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Bey Hall Room 201 Turrell Board Room
Monday, February 8:  3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.  Magill Commons Club Dining Room

Our high-level roadmap for the process will include comprehensive mechanisms for anonymous and on-the-record feedback, through email and other digital options, on-campus drop boxes, and private discussions. Administrative support for this initiative is also a priority, and will involve existing groups and committees, and additional ad-hoc committees as needed.

Listening and dialogue are still the most important first steps in this process as we identify broad themes and, ultimately, action items to ensure we reach our potential as a leading University that is a welcoming and supportive community for all of its members. This initiative, and these conversations, will continue to be a priority for me and my senior staff.

I appreciate the productive response to our first steps in this important process and look forward our continuing conversations.

Paul R. Brown, Ph.D.